While I was focussed on Global Love Day, May 1, Kathleen Willis was praying for peace. So we decided to combine our efforts and have a Global Peace and Love Week, leading up to Global Love Day.
Kathleen has established the “Peace and Love Project,” to spur all of us on in transmitting our love to the world in an ongoing way and to bring about world peace.
She describes her divine intention:
“Archangel Michael entreats us to send the energy of Love and Peace from our hands, from our heart, from our very being ‘to all who cower in the dark night of the soul, praying for relief and peace.’” (1)
To promote her work, she’s organized a week of love transmissions and peace meditations.
The love transmissions are designed to have us collectively send our love where it’s needed, (A) to relieve drought and (B) to strengthen the desire for peace in the world and the actual condition of peace.
The peace meditations are to strengthen our own experience of inner peace and extend that out into the collective consciousness.
As it turns out, I’ve experienced real peace – Fifth-Dimensional peace – briefly, on one occasion. (2) Not the ordinary stop-fussing-and-sit-still kind of peace but deep, deep peace, the peace that the Natural Self is.
Having experienced that for however short a time, how can I not want to support her work for love and peace?
I’ll be contributing as many articles as I can. But what seems to me the main work, I confess I don’t know how to accomplish.
For the last half year, I’ve blanched at the task of somehow conveying how sacred love differs from ordinary love (5D from 3D). I haven’t been able to accomplish it.
I blanch as well now at the prospect of conveying how sacred peace differs from ordinary peace (5D from 3D). I cannot find the words for it.
My experience of the deep peace of the Natural Self was fleeting, even if it left an indelible impression on me.
But once I returned to everyday consciousness, my pen was no longer up to the task of describing what I experienced in the higher state of consciousness that real peace is.
All I’m left being able to do is to say “Not this! Not this! Something different. Something wayyyyyy bigger.”
There’s a depth to peace which the Divine Mother and Archangel Michael – and in fact all of the Company of Heaven – are regularly pointing at, which lies outside our normal knowing.
While the world as a whole can come together on ending external war, the condition of much greater impact for each of us, as lightworkers know, is the advent of inner peace. Our inner peace, our love, our joy are our spiritual currency. How rich in love and peace are we?
Yes, stop the war in the world. But, much more importantly, stop the war in our hearts.
Declare our “within” to be the only domain we have sway over: Our very own self. Then declare ourselves at peace. That will end whatever wars we have going on inside. And, as Kathleen has pointed out in the past, what happens within is then projected without.
While the first type of peace (external peace) is undoubtedly a godsend, the second (internal peace) transcends all considerations of comfort, all dilemmas. For as long as the experience lasts (and after final Ascension it’ll be permanent), it sweeps away all concerns and satisfies completely.
What’s the potential impact of work like Kathleen’s? Jesus through John Smallman tells us:
“The many ongoing international meditations for world peace are very powerful for two reasons: first, because the greater the percentage of humanity meditating with the intent that the Tsunami of Love enter every heart the more powerful is the energy flow, and second, when you hold this intent and intend to join with all others who are holding similar intentions, you, too, are able to open your own hearts far more fully to receive the abundance of Love that vigilantly awaits your invitation to suffuse you completely.” (3)
Kathleen didn’t wait for the Reval to begin her work. She just began it. Tabernacle!
Who’s next?
(1) “Archangel Michael’s Plea for Peace Now,” channeled by Linda Dillon, at httpss://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rcH1FZ1jfo
(2) See “First Glimpse of the Natural Self,” Feb. 21, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/02/21/first-glimpse-natural-self/
(3) Jesus via John Smallman, Sep. 27, 2014, at https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com