We asked Archangel Michael to kick-off our Global Peace and Love Week of meditations on peace and transmissions of love to the world.
Here’s what he wishes us to know and consider.
Steve Beckow: Kathleen has begun the Peace and Love Project. Its first event is a week-long meditation on peace and lightworker transmissions of love out to the world.
Could you help us with a message to Lightworkers on what we collaboratively can achieve through collective meditations and love transmissions, please?
Archangel Michael: You can achieve the opening to the interior doorway to your heart. (1) So think of it this way, sweet ones.
All lightworkers and loveholders tend to think – and, in certain situations, it is true – that there are multiple doorways in terms of this undertaking to create peace and love and harmony upon this planet at this immediate time.
Think not of your heart as a series of portals or doorways, not as a revolving door, not as a trap door, but as a singular door through which the winds of change, the love of All can flow through.
It is a mutuality that you share the love and receive the love, that there is input and output. This is the infinite balance that our blessed Mother speaks of and teaches. It is the infinite balance of her paradigm and of her pattern.
So it is not simply about sending love out into the planet, out into the universe. It is in equal measure, every day, receiving the love and feeling that love within you that is the bright spark of the eternal One. (2)
So bring it into balance and in so doing, you’re bringing it into balance for the planet as well.
Steve: What is the relationship between love and peace, Lord?
AAM: Think of them as expressions. If you do not have the love, if you are not the love, then there can be no experience, no expression, no feeling of peace. When there is an absence of love, there is a constancy of yearning, of striving. Not only the quietude but the jubilation of peace, cannot be present.
Similarly, think of them as intertwined. When there is peace, when there is that knowing, not only of external peace, but of the deep knowing of your sense of self and your self-worth, that allows the love to arrive, to rise up within you, to swell, to be felt, to be experienced and shared. (3)
There is so much that I would share and yet ultimately what I would guide you is to truly engage. This is not about simply giving love lip service.
There are many, too many, who give love lip service but do not truly engage in the love, both within and in their outer world and relationships in their everyday undertakings.
We ask you, on behalf of this entire Council of Love, to truly engage in the Love, quietly, outrageously, verbally, silently; engage, my friends. That is our request of thee.
(Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 19, 2017.)
(1) If by this he means a heart opening, oh my gosh. Hallelujah!
(2) Michael acknowledges that love comes from the soul hidden in the heart.
(3) He lays out here the flow of love: How love arrives at the heart, rises within it, is felt going through us, and then is shared with the world.