Two years ago, Archangel Michael stepped forth with his Blue Breath of Peace.
He entreated us to let his Breath wash away our fear, to remove the sorrow and grief of war from our heart and lungs, to feel this in every fiber of our being.
He asked us to allow it — not to hold on — but to let his Breath pass through us.
Archangel Michael said that, as it passed through us, it passed out to humanity and that we hold:
the Breath of Peace
the Blue Flame of Peace
the Blue Flame of Truth
He also said, the truth is:
There is
no violence,
no war, no abuse
that can ever be justified.
There is no room for this on Gaia.
We ask you to join us, at 9PM today, wherever you are on planet in meditation — for Archangel Michael’s The Breath of Peace — Who We Truly Are.
In February, Galea, Communications Officer aboard the Neptune gave us this heartening conversation about communication, Ascension, and sending compassion, on Heavenly Blessings:
“We talk about the end of galactic and intergalactic wars as if it was a date-in-time, but it was an arduous process. Think about how long it took to even institute Perro. (1) But in that there were skirmishes, there were side-skirmishes and battles – even after peace was declared – of those who wished to continue on, because all they knew was hatred and disruption and disobedience; not disobedience from the Divine or from some treaty – disobedience from their Higher Self, of not taking responsibility to be the brilliant being they were.
“And so you are seeing this on your planet. You are seeing these deviations, these skirmishes. Send the compassion, send the empathy and hold the path! You are on the ascension trajectory, you are on the path of unfoldment. Do not allow these skirmishes to distract you, because that is what it is – it is distraction and desire to attach to what no longer exists. And if we want to be true about this, what does exist except love? Everything else is an illusion.” (2)
Galea reminds us that Love is All That Is:
“And I do not say this preaching to you because when you look within, that is what is there – and it is all that is there and all that’s worth attaching to, because it is all that makes you know the truth of your being.
“We speak of Saedor (See 1) as a method of communication, and a method of communication that will come to pass upon your planet as well. But sweet angels, are you heart-speaking Saedor to yourself? Are you being kind and gentle and without judgment to yourself? Are you realising there is nothing to prove? Begin with your sweet self. This is how we communicate with you – and we are very anxious to have full communication.” (3)
Our galactic brothers and sisters are waiting for us, encouraging us to Love ourselves completely, to treat ourselves and each other with kindness and gentleness, compassion.
Planetary peace is within each of us — every moment of every day — when we remember Who We Truly Are.
Please join us in meditation tonight, 9PM
The Breath of Peace,
of Truth, the Blue Glow of Love.
With enormous gratitude to everyone,
above and below.
(1) Galea, Communications Officer aboard The Neptune, explaining Perro and Saedor:
“Do not revert to feeling, my beloved friends, that you have need to prove anything. When you stay in your heart, when you communicate from a place of love, of heart consciousness, then you have said all there is to say. There is no coercion when you speak either in Perro or in Saedor. This element of wishing to manipulate, control or win the other to a position that is of your preference disappears, because in truth is peace, in peace is love, in love there is no coercion, no abuse of authority, no abuse of control.” (
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Loc. cit.
We invoke Sanat Kumara, the Council of Love, and the Universal Laws of Balance, Change, Unification, Dispensation and Elimination for peace on Earth.