Join with us 3:15 pm (15:15) Saturdays and 9 pm Sundays wherever you are on Gaia, in meditation, Rain of Love and Plea for Peace Now! with our brothers and sisters in Yemen, Syria, South Sudan, Ethiopia, the Horn of Africa, the Congo, everywhere on Gaia where there’s a lack of rain, a lack of peace.
Please remember. Set a reminder on your phone.
Thank you for all your meditations!! It has been raining everyday for a few hours for the last week in South Sudan and Ethiopia:
Click on the arrows in the bottom left corner of the picture to see the movement of the moisture. Thank you, dear water element, for co-creating with us!
Will you come with me and will you rain,
in perfect harmony and proportion in California?
Will you come with me and rain,
and create a lush California yet again,
and will you share this bounty all over Gaia?
The Council of Love has been urging us to be the gentle, compassionate observers, within and without, with our selves, family, and friends, at home, in our communities and especially as we witness what is transpiring globally.
As we continue facing into our fears — that continuous ongoing clearing, letting go — we can ask to receive more and more Porlana C for our Divine alignment, service, purpose, greater understanding and knowing of our roles in the unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan.
With all that is happening, the practice of forgiving and forgiveness also comes to the forefront. Archangel Michael told us one of the fastest ways to peace is by taking ourselves, and by taking groups, to the Karmic Board.
Below is information about a group we could take to the Karmic Board. Thank you, Lynn, for bringing this to our attention:
Information that has been kept secret continues to come forward, global secrets, family secrets.
We heal in the Eternal Flow of the Mother’s Love, knowing Her Infinite and Eternal Forgiveness of Everything, and our Infinite capacity to stay in the heart of forgiving.
With this, strong foundations for Nova Earth, are created.
The Council of Love, Archangel Uriel and Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, created Rain of Love and Plea for Peace Now to help heal and eliminate our spiritual drought, to help us build the New.
When we are Archangel Michael’s Blue Breeze of Peace, we are the peaceful warriors, so needed for our creation of the new societies, institutions, communities for Nova Earth.
When we call in the soft gentle rains with Archangel Uriel, the elements, the Kingdoms, the gods and goddesses, the devas, the water sprites, the Healers of Tralana, Mother Maree in India, our Divine and galactic friends, Star Brothers and Sisters, Archangel Raphael, Sanat Kumara, the Halion Engineers, the rocks, the trees, the flowers, the Mother, we are not only healing the physical drought but also the spiritual drought of humanity.
Our spiritual alignment with the Blue Breeze of Peace and Rain of Love are dissolving what is not of wholeness helping to create a lush Gaia of Love and peace once again.
As we consistently talk to the element of water, and do the meditations, we are helping to rebalance Gaia’s climate with our own mastery while holding the vision of Love and peace, abundance and sharing, for each and All.
As we become One
with our own unique abundant spiritual self,
we become One with All.
Thank you to All, above and below,
for joining with us in meditation,
the unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan,
Her Family Plan
Rain of Love (meditation starts at 6 min) — 3:15 pm (15:15) Saturdays
Plea for Peace Now! (meditation starts at 10 min) — 9pm Sundays
If the group meditation times do not fit your schedule — know that we can jump time, forwards or backwards — from the time you are able to do the meditation to the group time. For example: “I jump time to the group time of 15:15 for Rain of Love.”
Links of interest
Circle of Blue:
International Weather Forecasting