On my divine authority as a sovereign being… Isn’t that an outrageous statement to make?
In the Middle Ages, I might be burned at the stake for making it.
But isn’t it spiritually correct and don’t we all know it is?
Imagine a shipwrecked treasure chest that’s been raised from the Caribbean.
Encrusted in shells, it doesn’t look like much.
But when we dissolve the shells and restore the gold coins to their luster, the treasure shines.
Similarly “our divine authority as sovereign beings” has been under attack by people of polarized outlook since the dawn of civilization. Shell-encrusted, it’s lost its luster.
Seldom has there been a time when a being’s sovereignty has been honored on this planet by those assumed to be in authority. Our history is replete with war, slavery, rape, and pillage.
We find repeated patterns of false imprisonment, torture, scorched earth, mass murder. Bombing, strafing, crucifying, impoverishing, starving – what have we not done?
And we had no idea of what awaited us if the New World Order proved successful where Hitler failed. (1)
We could list the movements throughout history that have had as their object the enslavement of people – where should we start? Ramses II? Julius Caesar? Genghis Khan? Slavery in the New World? Adolf Hitler? CIA-sponsored sexual slavery and pedophilia?
We’ve created a vast global memory bank of rampant misery caused by our violation of the sovereignty of other beings.
So, yes, if I were to stand up, as the Mother asked, and declare my divine authority as a sovereign being, I can see how that would be reactivating, triggering to many.
Victimizers might want to continue their reign of terror. Victims may have their memories triggered.
Let’s pull him down off his pedestal. Who does he think he is?
A sovereign being, descended from the Divine, as we all are.
In regards to the specific portion of that authority – to build Nova Earth – the Divine Mother said on An Hour with an Angel recently:
“Divine authority, what does this mean? That you have stepped forward. You are authorized and empowered. And you are and will be given the wherewithal to proceed as your creator self, never simply as a minion, a puppet.” (2)
If this were a spy drama, I’d say, “I’m on a mission from the Mother.” Well, I am – as are you.
My mission derives comes from the Mother’s Plan. It comes from my accepting her specific mandate to build Nova Earth:
“Build what is divinely beautiful. I give you my divine authority to do so. I will guide you. I will help you. But I entrust this to you as well. …
“We are helping you. That gateway is open and you are being flooded and you are being assisted and you will be assisted every step of the way.” (3)
Does that mean that I can take that divine authority and waste the opportunity? No, Michael already said that he will not allow it.
“This plan has been an unfoldment for far too long for money to simply be washed down the drain by decisions that are not beneficial either for yourself or for others and for those who will benefit from the abundance programs, plural.” (4)
We cannot use it to simply perpetuate the use of violence and force on this planet. But of that reality, the Divine Mother said: “The old is fading away – … trust me, it will fade away, that is a given.” (5)
Meanwhile, she’s given us our mandate, our marching orders:
But that’s only divine authority to be building foundations and dispersing funds to worthy service organizations and building Nova Earth.
You and I both know that our divine authority as sovereign beings is much broader than that. It comes from the fact that each of us is God. God wearing a mask. God encased in God. That is, Father God nestled in the heart/womb of Mother God.
We are God the Father living for a time in a body provided by God the Mother, the blend of which we call “God the Child” (formerly “God the Son”). This is the same Trinity that Hindus worship as Brahman, Atman, and Shakti. You already know that the purpose of life is to know all Three.
That we are Mother/Father God is not only what we come to realize, but also the source of our divine authority.
Nevertheless, no one is immune from the operation of the divine laws. Even God, when God descends as an avatar, obeys the Mother’s laws. (6)
My divine authority lends me no strength if what I do with it is violate the divine laws.
The Mother outlined the fate of a dictator who flies in the face of the universal laws.
“It is painful for a being that seeks power for themselves or power over another, whether it is a parent over a child, a husband over a wife, a man over an army. It matters not. The yearning [for], the exercise of control never gives the joy. The pain simply grows. And so the actions become more grotesque, larger, until the breakdown is and has [been] and will be occurring.” (7)
The rest of us who do the same on a smaller scale just get smaller ourselves until we’re rocking in a chair, an old coot, sputtering to ourselves, with nobody listening.
The choice we face is either own our divine authority as sovereign beings or face varying degrees of disempowerment from being a victim to being a dictator. The middle ground – the old Third Dimension – is waning or has disappeared.
There’s no more hovering in the new realm. There’s no more tolerating our own disempowerment. There’s only forward into sovereign independence or backward into continuing chaos.
(1) See “The Near Victory of the Dark” in https://goldengaiadb.com/First_Contact. Need we look any further than Guantanamo? But we could – torture taxis, rendition prisons, Nazi-style experimentation, mind control, and so on.
(2) “Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: Take Up Your Divine Authority, AHWAA, February 23, 2017,” February 28, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/02/28/transcript-divine-mother-take-divine-authority-ahwaa-february-23-2017/. “There are those upon your planet who wish to reclaim, reconstruct, recreate the old third and that is what they are attempting to do. But, sweet angel of love, you know and those who are the loveholders know that this simply will not occur. The old third no longer exists. It is that simple.” (“Archangel Michael on Current Chaos and Joy” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/01/27/archangel-michael-current-chaos-joy/.)
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 6, 2013.
(5) “Transcript ~ The Divine Mother,” ibid.
(6) The natural law only applies in the Mother’s realm of matter. The Mother is the source of the natural law.
The Father is not bound by any law. Thus she is the voice of One crying in the wilderness. She is sound, movement, action and hence the Voice. He is the Wilderness in this metaphor in that no law can apply to him.
(7) “Transcript ~ The Divine Mother,” ibid.