It’s clear to me that the world would work if everyone in the world lived in the experience of what Jesus called “real love.” (1) In other words, in my view, a world that loves is a world that works.
Therefore an event like Global Love Day, May 1, 2017, is for me absolutely in alignment with where we’re headed.
I therefore will be posting notices for events planned for Global Love Day with the intention of doing everything possible to promote a world that loves as a world that works.
Here’s the first:
KindSpring 21-day Challenge for Global Love Day
Hosted by Patrick Higgins
This is awesome! In honor of Global Love Day 2017, our friend Patrick Higgins is hosting a 21-day challenge to expand love, kindness and create positive change. It begins on April 11th and concludes on May 1st – visit to participate (free and open to everyone).
Each day, we‘ll come together through a short, 10 minute, guided meditation to lift our hearts in Love. By setting an intention each day we can spread our wishes of loving-kindness to our brothers and sisters around the world.
Supported by quotes from The Love Foundation and by songs from around the world, the challenge will simply be to maintain the meditation practice for as many days as possible over the 21 day period.
The challenge will be in English, French, German, Russian, Gujarati, Hindi, and Spanish! So if you know anyone whose first language is one of the above then please let them know that they’re welcome to join us!
KindSpring provides a private forum for those participating in the challenge, where you can share your stories, inspirations, thoughts, hopes and dreams (in whichever language you choose!), as well as interact with other participants.
KindSpring is promoting a “Global Movement of Kindness” and has hosted a series of 21-Day Challenges designed to help individuals and groups grow in values that help create positive change. If you haven’t already done so, please sign up and login to KindSpring to get familiar with our online space.
We’re so looking forward to lifting up the Love with you. See you soon.
With gratitude,
Your Challenge Host,
Kindspring member, Patjos
(1) Jesus called ordinary love “the weak faint image of real Love that is all that you can experience as a human.” (“Jesus via John Smallman: Forgetting Love Is Not Possible,” March 22, 2015, at