A reader asked me what truncated experiences I was referring to in a recent article. (1)
I’m referring to what could loosely be called “spiritual experiences,” of varying kinds and at various levels of frequency.
I was not referring to ordinary, everyday experiences or to vasanas or core issues.
My daily experiences are not truncated nor need they be and my vasanas … well, they are lessening but I attribute that to processing and the rising energies, rather than celestial intervention and truncating.
As to what I mean by “truncated,” in the last five years or so, I’ve had experiences that in part contradicted or fell short of what I’d have expected from a study of enlightenment literature and my own past experiences.
Typically one important element of the experience would be missing – usually, bliss.
For instance, I experienced the completion of the kundalini in the crown chakra twice in recent years, but without the tremendous river of bliss I’d expect. I was simply the witness of the kundalini completing itself.
Several years ago, I had an experience of feeling regal, the only word I’ve ever found to describe the space. I was later told that that was my Seventh-Dimensional Oversoul. (2) But it was truncated as well in that it too lacked bliss.
I suspected truncation was happening and so I asked Archangel Michael in a personal reading in 2015 if that was the case. He explained it was and why:
Steve Beckow: [Emptiness of mind] was followed by what appeared to be the kundalini completing its circuit at the seventh chakra. Is that in fact what happened?
Archangel Michael: Yes, now it is part of the reset button.
Think of it in this way. If you are installing, say, a new program, or you had an old program that kept stalling out three quarters of the way full and you were frustrated as all get out with it and you are asking for the fullness of the program to come online. So you turn off your computer and you restart it.
That is what you did.
Steve: Hmm, interesting! Ordinarily you’d experience Brahmajnana at that point but I felt that it had been muted, toned down.
AAM: Completely toned down. We want you very physically present.
Steve: Alright, good. That makes sense. (3)
In my view, the celestials want us to remain with our feet on the ground to do the work that looms: building Nova Earth. This lifetime is not about personal enlightenment as much as it is about service to the world.
So, in answer to the reader, I’m not referring to everyday experiences, but non-ordinary, spiritual experiences.
(1) See “AAM on Truncated Experiences” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/03/21/aam-on-truncated-experiences/
(2) Steve Beckow: I had an experience at a meditation workshop in which I felt regal. It was a partial experience. Can you tell me what that part of me was I accessed.
Archangel Michael: … Your Highest Self, your Oversoul, is very regal.
SB: So that was an experience of the Oversoul.
AAM: Yes.
SB: That does help me to know that. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 13, 2011.)
Sue Lie and the Arcturians: The Seventh [Dimension] is [the Dimension of] your Oversoul. (Arcturians, March 17, 2013.)
(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 30, 2015.