The Universal Law of Change is one of the incredible 13 Universal Laws that the Divine Mother has gifted us with at this time of Ascension on Earth.
Universal Mother Mary through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, helps us understand it:
“The core of you, the essence, the very essence of Who You Are does not change. It continues.
“It assumes different forms. It travels throughout the omniverse, but the core of your being is constant, and it is in constant movement, even throughout what you think of as this lifetime.
“You are in constant movement.
“Yes, there are times when you are in stillpoint of creation, but also understand, in stillpoint there is still the movement of creation and of re-creation.
“The essence of Who You Are continues throughout time and space. That is the Law. That is the Law of Change.”
The Universal Law of Change elevates our logic to new levels, helping us maintain our balance in the constant movement of daily life, with the knowing that the core of Who We Are does not change.
The Mother explains that although we may have countless lifetimes assuming different forms with different characteristics, our core, the essence of Who We Are, that Divine Spark of Mother/Father One that we are, does not change.
The Law of Change is the Law of Movement — inspiration, dreaming, planning, implementation, action, fulfillment, repeated again and again, lifetime after lifetime — creation, re-creation (letting go everything that does not serve us) knowing that the core of our being, Who We Truly Are, remains constant, does not change no matter how many journeys we embark upon.
The Universal Law of Change
Who We Truly Are
greater and greater balance
in the eternal flow of constant change.
Just like an Infinity sign, we’re never not in the flow. . . our breath moves in and out, our hearts beat, our blood flows. . . even when we drop into stillpoint there is still movement. . .
The energy of the Universe is always moving, with us, through us, around us. Change is constant.
The constancy of change
is the Mother’s gift of infinite, eternal expansion.
The continuity within that is the gift of our eternal becoming.
Universal Mother Mary explains:
“What is creation except the manipulation — and I mean that in the most positive of senses — of particles, subatomic fibres, molecules, energy, into what you wish to experience, and dear hearts, let me be clear with you.
“The only thing that any of you — I do not care if it is six, seven or eight billion — the only thing you wish to experience is love.
“That is it.
“Now, you may label it relationship, financial security, adventure, meaningful work, but really it is Love, and what is love except the eternal flow, the constant changing flow of energy, not only between yourselves, not only between you and Gaia but, sweet angels, between you and I.”
A beautiful illustration of the Universal Law of Change and the eternal flow between us and the Mother is the 13th Octave Initiation with the Council of Love. (1)
The link, above, is a radio show explaining the 13th Octave — how to unite our being, our essence and our soul within the Heart of One so that that conscious awareness, our sense of wholeness, is completely activated — to receive all the gifts of the 13th Octave, especially the 13 Blessings and Virtues and the 13 Universal Laws upon which Nova Earth is built and anchored.
At 25 minutes in, the meditation begins, taking us metaphorically along a golden pathway with James, the Apostle, across a rainbow bridge to the foot of a staircase.
We travel up the stairs (our lower chakras) through, the doorway of bright light (the hridayam or heart aperture) into the golden chambers of the heart to be with our Divine circle, then back down the stairs to a huge golden spiral that surrounds us, our body temple.
We fly up the healing golden spiral with Archangel Gabrielle as the purity of a small child — Knowing Who We Are (letting go what we are not) — to Father and Mother, the Heart Of One.
This meditation, that the Council of Love recommends we do every day, is an example of The Universal Law of Change,
Who We Are in the eternal flow — our infinite and eternal return to the One.
Another meditation and energy available now is Porlana C from our Star Family. This electric blue energy of Love, hope, trust, nurturing, serenity and peace — change — flows through our chakras down to Gaia, and then we pull up from Gaia, her red and mix it with the blue creating the colour magenta.
This blended colour, magenta, is the colour of Christ Consciousness, compassion, beauty and wisdom.
We are running these healing colours of blue and magenta — that dissolve separation creating change — through our chakras, and letting them flow, remembering our Divinity on behalf of many, in the eternal Now.
Often in our creation of Nova Earth, we are discerning what isn’t working, meditating for change and being the change.
We have been asked to be the sense of peace — to know peace with Archangel Michael — opening to his blue gentle breeze of peace, allowing it to pass through us to humanity.
Being the sparks, the light of Mother/Father One, knowing Who We Are, and reflecting that energy, that peace, that love, that purity back to the Mother, to Gaia, to everything — the animals, the water, the elements, the food, the kingdoms, our Star Family in every moment — is knowing our sense of wholeness, our balance, in the eternal flow.
With conscious awareness of The Universal Law of Change — understanding and knowing that eternal constant flow of Divine energy with the Mother, with Gaia, with everything — we balance globally and ascend as One into the higher dimensions.
When we think of the Universal Law of Change, as we position ourselves in service to the Light — in service to our sacred self, our sacred unions, the Mother, Father/Mother One, our guides, our brothers, our sisters, our soul family, our partner, our children, our community — we can ask:
- What am I doing with every moment of my life?
- Am I in the eternal flow of the infinite creation and expansion of the Mother?
- Am I In that infinite flow or am I sequestering myself?
- Am I cowering in fear? Am I limiting myself?
- What am I creating?
- Do I like change?
- Am I a beacon of truth?
- How do I maintain balance?
- Am I a center of calm and peace?
- Am I harmonious creation amidst change?
- Am I in the flow, in the endless potential of reality?
- Are my decisions made with conscious awareness in every moment?
Creation/change is not slow, arduous or dramatic. The 13th Octave meditation, Archangel Michael’s Blue Breath of Peace and our Star Family’s Porlana C energy are rejuvenating, energizing!
The Mother asks us to create what our heart desires, the change that we want in this eternal moment of now:
“When you are involved in working with change and continuity, the expression of your divinity into form, every day, then what happens is, is that ripple effect.”
The eternal flow of love and peace, gratitude and forgiveness, creates the change with everything we are connected to — especially the little things — smiles, eye contact, conversation.
More Love + More Beauty = Creation of Nova Earth.
With everyday creation, purpose and intent, with greater understanding of balance and change found within the knowledge of the Universal Laws, we begin to see how things work in the higher realms.
As we accept and allow the simplicity of the Universal Law of Change — harmonious flow, the truth of change, constancy and continuity, and energizing creations of kindness, love and peace — Nova Earth doesn’t seem impossible!
As Universal Mother Mary says, “The change, the constant change is the gift, my beloved friends. It is the gift of infinite becoming of such expansion that you would marvel.”
An Invocation for The Universal Law of Change
I invoke Universal Mother Mary, Sanat Kumara,
and the Universal Law of Change for greater understanding
of the Divine Mother’s gift of infinite becoming
and the eternal flow, love.
The Law of Change —
Meditation at 18:03, Universal Mother Mary at 30:26
(1)The 13th Octave audio download with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love —