You know that I treat my life as a workshop and am constantly running experiments.
The other day I ran the experiment of talking to the Divine Mother. The conversation was undoubtedly mission-related, but I don’t remember what I was saying to her.
Nevertheless, at some point, I felt a pulse of energy which seemed to say, “Incoming message.” And I stood by.
On the screen of my awareness I saw a Jack of Hearts. There was more to it than that and I’ll get to that in the next article.
But the sight of the Jack of Hearts caused an immediate shock of recognition (a flash of recognition is a minor example of realized or immediate knowledge). That was the relationship I had with the Divine Mother – and that we all do. The Mother is the Queen of Hearts. She is Love in action. The One is Love in stillness, but the Mother is Love in action.
All of us serve, all of life serves the Divine Mother. She’s the closest we’ll get to the One and have any knowledge of it. Past her is the Void, the Unknown and Unknowable.
So we’re all Jacks and Janes of Hearts, in service to the Queen of Hearts.
What a lovely image that was for me. The puzzle piece of my love for her exactly fit into the hole in the puzzle that the image of the Jack of Hearts was. Certainly she’s the Queen of my heart and has always been.
So this Valentines Day, I ask you to be mine, Mother. What’s that you say? You already are and always have been? It’s I who stray?