Emotional shake-ups and relationships are front and center with today’s lunar eclipse at 22 degrees Leo. The effects of this lunar eclipse will be felt most strongly over the next several days but its energies will influence events unfolding over the next six months and beyond. The lunar eclipse in Leo is the first of two February eclipses. A solar eclipse follows on Feb. 26 at 8 degrees Pisces. These eclipses will set the tone of the next six months, until the next eclipse series in August.
The energies of February’s eclipse series are already sewing seeds of change, triggering events that bring memories, dreams and emotions to the surface. Eclipses tend to bring random and unexpected events that allow you to step outside the flow of time and free yourself from any way in which you’re over-absorbed into physical reality.
In the weeks immediately following an eclipse, the veils between dimensions remain thin and fluid, allowing for easier communication with our higher selves and aspects of our consciousness incarnated in other timeframes. Dreams, both waking and nighttime, may be especially profound during this time. Guidance arrives with warp speed, bringing answers to long-held questions. This is a good time to go for walks in nature, and to spend time meditating, journaling, fasting and listening within.
Everyone feels the effects of an eclipse but those whose charts are strongly impacted by an eclipse will feel the energies more intensely. Since the lunar eclipse falls in Leo, fire signs (Sagittarius, Leo and Aries) may feel this more strongly. To understand how an eclipse will impact your chart, find where 22 degrees Leo lands to see if it is within 5 degrees of any natal or progressed planets. The house in your chart where 22 degrees Leo falls indicates the area of your life most likely to be impacted by the eclipse.
The February 10 ‘Mystic Moon’ Eclipse and Relationships
Lunar eclipses are turbocharged full moons encoded with sun opposite moon qualities of emotions. This focus on emotions brings clarity and awareness to relationships and connections of all kinds, including our connection to our higher self and the various aspects of our consciousness. Lunar eclipses can serve as emotional resets because they help clear any unresolved emotions of past months. This clarity may not come into full focus the exact day of the eclipse but the energies of the eclipse will continue healing and clearing emotions over the next six months. The February 10 lunar eclipse will be active until the next lunar eclipse on August 7. That eclipse will take place at 15 degrees Aquarius.
This eclipse falls a few days before Valentine’s Day, which brings focus on relationships. Synchronistically, this eclipse highlights relationships and the nature of connections between partners and family members. It shines a light on work and home as well. Some aspects of the Feb. 10 lunar eclipse can create tension and trigger restlessness but other aspects are empowered to resolve conflicts and bring awareness to those things that disturb us. With intention and awareness we are empowered to heal conflicts between aspects of within our own consciousness which helps us to resolve conflicts with others.
Lunar Eclipses Enlighten and Assist Us
Lunar eclipses are also encoded with frequencies designed to enlighten and assist us. They can signal an auspicious time for relationships of all kinds. This is a time when existing relationships can grow and new relationships enter our lives. Relationships that have been under stress may end abruptly during an eclipse. This can also be a time when abundance flows and spiritual growth arrives through all forms of expansion. The key to making the most of this time is a willingness to sit with whatever comes up in the emotional realm. Eclipse energies will try to help us heal and clear any unresolved emotions from the past, opening the way for new energies of love and abundance to flow into our lives.
Careful expansion through positive change and bringing clarity to emotions and connections is the theme of this time. Open to the new but remain willing to acknowledge the past. Set clear intentions for healing the past and for what you would like to create in the future. Eclipses can empower you to activate potentials you never thought possible.
Eclipses and the Thinning Veils between Dimensions
During the weeks immediately following an eclipse, pay particular attention to all the signs and bits of information you receive. Dreams and guidance can be especially profound during this time. Don’t disregard signs due to their source. The universe will utilize all opportunities and avenues to speak to you as the veils between dimensions thin, allowing for freer communication. Our receiving stations are wide open during this time. Guidance may arrive in very direct ways at times while in other moments insights are shared in subtle and symbolic ways.
This is not a time to take bold actions or make important decisions. Hold all that comes before you in awareness and allow it to inform future actions and decisions. Events that happen during this time can be significant to your future.
During the time of an eclipse it’s best to keep your schedule fluid as unexpected events can arise. A willingness to roll with whatever shows up will help you avoid wasting energy with pitfalls and roadblocks and make the most of the opportunities for growth and healing that materialize. Embrace any message you receive during this time as meanings may take weeks and even months to become clear.
“Eclipse Dreams and the Thinning Veils between Dimensions,” by DL Zeta, February 10, 2017, at httpss://madmimi.com/p/d39299?fe=1&pact=7602-137530158-7679043571-16ebfa101519a2ba449b9b029e23d0fb00495589
Source Link: DL Zeta’s Celestial Vision February 10, 2017
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