I’m sure we’re all spending a lot of time lately asking ourselves what the change in the political weather means for lightworkers.
Has there been a change in the Plan?
Not to my knowledge. This rising to the surface of all of society’s vasanas, (1) so to speak, has been foretold. It has to happen. The energies are causing them to surface.
Why would our role change? It is as it always was: Through the application of the divine qualities, to hold the space of the center, the middle ground, the heart while society transforms around us.
We might well think of mass meditations rather than mass protests. A mass meditation in Washington would probably have a tremendous effect.
The importance of our role especially includes times when it looks like the Light is under attack. That’s the time to remain loving and peaceful. The rubber just hit the road.
Those who are with us (the Company of Heaven, in spirit and physicality) are far stronger than those who are against us. It’s just that the CoH adheres to the Law of Free Will whereas Team Dark doesn’t.
Nonetheless, we cannot fall asleep again in the face of disconnects and disagreements that may happen within our own ranks. We cannot succumb to forceful appeals in the name of cherished values. The end does not justify the means.
If we introduce forcefulness or violence into our actions, in what way are we different? If we do, we trigger the cabal’s oppressive measures.
We cannot awaken tomorrow and see that we’ve been party to an event with unforeseen consequences, in the face of which many people have needlessly suffered.
Why needlessly suffered? Because the various streams of energy will themselves take care of dark impulses.
Many of our colleagues will not believe what we’re saying. To them it’ll be conspiracy theory, pie in the sky, dreaming, etc. Regardless, now is the time for leadership to pass from those who favor force and violence to those committed to peace and love.
Now is the time for us to emerge from the fear of ridicule and exert our leadership for the Plan, in service to the Mother and our commitment to world peace, justice, and equality.
Now is the time for us to take comfort from each other and not seek it from those who won’t accept the truth of the events that are happening.
Our yielding to dark impulses now, like resistance, disruption, revolution, or any other antagonistic stance, will postpone Ascension, the Reval, Disclosure, and everything else we’ve been working towards.
This is the time when we need to stand firm – for peace and love.
Those who will not let go of dark impulses I predict, will find their way becoming like walking through heavy mud. Health problems will arise. Feelings of futility, masked by ever-increasing displays of excess, will become harder and harder to hide.
The constructed self will become the constricted self, fairly screaming out of our public displays, as in the Trump photo, upper left. The smile is a mask and he’ll be less and less able to manage the disconnect between the mask and the Self as the energies continue to climb.
These are people who haven’t even begun to distinguish out the fact that they’re serving their own selfish agenda at the cost of many.
These really are people who know not what they do and their house is built on sand. Uniquely at this time of rising vibrations, those statements mean something.
The remnants of Team Dark get more dangerous as their situation becomes more hopeless. Eventually, the energies, combined with the peaceful and loving expression of our collective political resolve, will cause them to leave this plane – or come around. If they come around, welcome.
One last thing I’d really like to emphasize. We set the agenda for ourselves.
No, we cannot set the agenda for anyone else. That’s one of the errors of the old Third. We can only set the agenda for ourselves.
Moreover, no one can set our agenda for us. We’re constantly setting that agenda even if it doesn’t look like it, even if we pose as a victim, even as our outer action is constrained or can only be expressed mentally. The Polish priest who asked to be shot instead of a man who had a family did not allow the Nazis to set his agenda.
My agenda is to serve the transformative, universal, and “real” love that I’ve experienced. You can see: The time of that experience was perhaps two years ago? But here I am, ready to stake my all on this ground, such is the power of a touch of that kind of love.
I’m not stirring from this ground, no matter what arguments are brought against it. If love does not win out now, I’m in the wrong theater.
(1) A vasana is a core issue. Unless completed, it extends itself out into conditioned thought, feeling, and behavior.