We are here to support, encourage and empower you as you begin another cycle of transformation. Your present reality is certainly offering you the opening to step into your awareness of who you are. We continue to remind you and acknowledge you to act from your magnificent multidimensional divine self.
There is a great and grand opportunity occurring, it is a time of ineffable potential. Your current reality is teeming with infinite possibilities and probabilities. For it is out of the cauldron of chaos that true change and transformation can be called forth.
As the awakening conscious being that you are, we know that you understand the potential that is available at this time. It is no accident that you are witnessing the out picturing of fear, anger, and prejudice and the polarization of attitudes and mind sets.
Think of yourself as master, as conscious alchemist, as change agent, for that is who you are. Yes, we acknowledge that in order to play in this dimension a physical body is required, however you are not your physical vehicle. It is simply hosting your divine conscious self.
Your physical body allows you to interface with the frequencies and vibrations of this dense reality and hologame/hologram. We realize that the physical body requires care and attention. It also directs your focus to what appears to be occurring in your experience.
We are inviting you to observe yourself being activated by what is occurring. Notice when strong emotions or opinions are stirred, for it is in that moment of awareness that your personal conscious power of transformation is available. The stronger the emotion, the stronger the polarizations, the stronger the energy is for shifting the discordant constructs and events.
When you are aware of who you are and why you are here experiencing the perceived chaos, you honor yourself as the true change agent of all that is transpiring. It is a simple shift in your focus that allows you know and clearly understand that your energy vibrations, thoughts and emotional projections are influencing the field of all possibilities.
Imagine for a moment that this reality might be a hologram, or as we refer to it, a hologame. However, what is experienced by all is the projection of their personal energy vibrations onto the neutral screen of the quantum field.
Now multiply that awareness of energy projection onto the neutral screen of the quantum field by humanity in all its diverse, opposed, polarized emotional patterns and beliefs and now you have the hologame/hologram you are witnessing. The collective projections onto this neutral screen become available for all to experience – the good, bad and the ugly so to speak.
We are not denying that this hologame/hologram feels real and the consequences are real. That is what makes it so intriguing, intense and engaging. This is what you chose to experience at this time in order to create new and different realities and experiences.
Remember you are pure conscious energy. It cannot be destroyed. Your job is to remember that and begin to project the frequencies and vibrations that invoke the highest aspirations and ideals. You are invited to anchor more coherent vibrations that empower and sustain life in all its diverse forms.
It is your clear intention and focused awareness that anchors any new event or shifts any discordant energy. The more awakened individuals who continue to generate and consciously offer a projection of coherent emotions, the more they can and do affect the field of all probabilities.
When you use this same personal power and focus on what is lacking, what is wrong, what does not work, you are literally feeding the reality that you oppose. Opposing war does not stop war; the collective must begin to engage in calling forth and envisioning peace, love, forgiveness, equality, respect and honor of all living things.
You add you own vibrations and emotional energetic projections to the screen of what is unfolding. Be aware, be conscious, play at this hologame/hologram full out as the true master of creation that you are.
Realize that your every action, thought, and emotional projection is being recorded by the neutral energy of the quantum field, and together with all others, that projected energy becomes manifest and real in your personal experience.
Shift how you view the news; shift how you honor others of different cultures. Examine your personal beliefs and limited acceptance of others. Be gentle with yourself and others; everyone is undergoing tremendous internal changes.
These changes are being activated by the vibrations of solar energy waves and geomagnetic storms interacting with all beings on the planet. This is a wake-up call. These magnetic pulses stimulate and prompt the internal codes within your very DNA, awakening your highest potential.
These galactic promptings will quicken you from your dreaming, arouse you from perceived programs of limitations, and inspire and excite you to know, without a doubt, that you are here at this time on this planet earth to anchor the reality that supports all life.
This awakened self, this divine consciousness that is being rekindled and encouraged also becomes aware of the opportunity and value to be in partnership with the spiritual realms. The power of the All That Is, Divine Presence in all its manifest expressions of love and light is always awaiting your personal invitation to assist, support, and transform what you are focused upon. We truly are available for the highest good for all of humanity.
It is your connection to the collective consciousness of all sentient beings and your willingness to be in partnership with the divine beings of love, light and truth that will call forth and create an awakened humanity moving into the next dimensional level and spiral. Remember there is always more to be revealed.
These are auspicious times; realize that you are powerful beyond measure; begin to own and express and manifest your divine awareness and potential.
We embrace you with our love and deep gratitude for the work and service that you continue to offer as you transform all perceived challenges before you. We are always available upon your invitation; this is true of all non-physical beings of divine consciousness. Be the inviter.
the ‘team’
©2017 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available
“”The Team”: Hosting Your Divine Conscious Self,” Channeled by Peggy Black, received via email, January 20, 2017.