Recently the Arcturians through Sue Lie referred to a new energy that’s passing through us:
“Things are getting pretty challenging these days for a lot of our Ascending ones. …
“What is actually occurring, especially for those who are the leaders, is that the leaders are being called into active duty NOW. The reason for that is because there’s a lot higher frequency Light in the area through which Gaia is travelling within this NOW.” (1)
This is our wake-up call.
The Arcturian Group also warned that many of us will be feeling the effects of this new energy, whether we accept its existence or not. They said:
“Many of you are in the process of integrating higher dimensional energies which can leave you feeling depleted and confused as physical and emotional issues connected with the clearing process rise to the surface.
“Everyone is feeling the effects of the new and higher frequencies of Light flowing to Earth at this time. Even those with no interest in such things cannot avoid its effects.
“These dear ones who do not understand the spiritual nature of what is taking place at this time interpret their experiences according to their belief system, usually believing that they have a physical, emotional, or mental problem.” (2)
Meanwhile, on last week’s Hour with an Angel, St. Germaine gave the new energy a name – Porlana C. It’s currently bathing the Earth, a gift of our star family. Could this be what the the Arcturians were describing?
He reviewed all the energy waves hitting the Earth at the moment
“What is current is the Mother’s Tsunami of Love. What is current is the Mother’s Tsunami of One. What is current is your star brothers and sisters literally beaming into you the Porlana C energy.
“And all of this has accelerated and massively expanded who you are and your capacity to hold energy and to process what is not of love. And increasingly what is not of love is like a grain of sand…, a pebble within your shoe, which you can’t wait to get rid of, to which I say congratulations!” (3)
I certainly can say that every grain of sand or pebble I find within my shoe these days I can’t wait to get rid of. That stems partly from the desire to be free and partly from a diminished ability to stand Third Dimentia.
Finally Archangel Michael took up the subject in a personal reading I had with him on Jan. 20, through Linda Dillon. I’ll post that in an add-on to this post.
I don’t think I could watch TV any more, even if I had one. I don’t want to watch any more contrived performances.
All of us were performing in the Third Dimension. I feel the need to be beyond performances now. Can I attribute this to these energies? Probably.
I confess I’m curious. What is this energy that St. Germaine spoke of? The only other source on it that I’m aware of is Commander Ashira a few weeks ago. Let’s look at what he said about Porlana C, at length. He begins:
“These electromagnetic pulses that are being identified and noticed – that is putting it mildly – upon your planet are impulses that are being sent by us – yes, the Unified Forces – but it is also being done in tandem and in cooperation with many of the Fleets.” (4)
St. Germaine also said the pulses were the gift of our star family.
“And it is a benevolent, non-intrusive … energy that we send to you. And it has not been felt previously – and I mean ever upon your planet.” (5)
Very first time.
“It is an energy that has not heretofore been shared or made available to you because you were not ready, and you were not of a construction or of a light quotient, either individually or collectively, that could truly incorporate the level of this energy without harm. It would have been too intrusive and your body cells, your atoms, were not organised in such a way as to be able to smoothly incorporate this energy.” (6)
It’s important to note that they know our condition as a collective and whether we can handle an energy or not. Our ascension is not a random or unplanned operation.
Let’s switch back to St. Germaine for a moment. He puts our ascension in its context:
An ascended Gaian society … take their rightful place … of stewardship, leadership for the entire galaxy. You are ready and we are ready.” (7)
Ours is the first mass, physical ascension ever and also the first in the current round of ascensions, that includes different dimensions, not just the old Third. Even the ascended masters are ascending. After us.
Coming back to Ashira, he says we’re advanced enough now that they can share this energy and this knowledge with us.
“But now you have advanced and, of course, while the energy – which, by the way, I wish to preface – this energy is what you can think of and what we would call by two terms: ‘sheer energy’ which the Council of Love has spoken of for decades; but also, the energy specifically in our scientific terms is called ‘Porlana C.’ That is the term for this energy, and it is important for all beings upon the planet to understand the gift that is being sent and rendered unto you.” (8)
Aha! Sheer energy. I’ll be off to research that as well. I’m sure that will greatly increase our understanding of Porlana C. I feel it important to understand a gift of this magnitude.
“It is a gift of love, and that is why we will often use the term ‘sheer energy.’ It is the energy that we use that you can think of as a ‘life-source’ energy, a ‘soul-source’ energy, a fully interdimensional energy that is a significant upgrade to assist you in the full assumption of your lightbodies and of the quotient of light required to complete your ascension.”
Father/Mother God have authorized this gift, he tells us.
“We are not interfering. Let us be clear about that.
“This is something that the Mother – and through Her, the Father – have given acknowledgement and permission to share with you.
“It is the energy that we use to create, but it is also the energy that sustains much of our very being, not in totality but shall I say for you it is like the fuel of food.”
The gift is huge.
“From our perspective, from our hearts to your hearts, this is a gift of monumental proportions.
“And yes, it is clearly measurable by what you call ‘scientific equipment.’ And that is important because it is yet another step in the human race, and those who want to announce or admit our presence but have not had enough evidence to push the wave of non-acceptance away. So it is yet another component of how we are announcing ourselves.
“But we are not simply giving you this energy to announce ourselves – although that is a huge benefit on both sides. It is of such a magnitude that I, as Commander, step forward – yes, in tandem with the Intergalactic Council and the many Fleets – to say: ‘This is our present to you.’ So it is not simply a small token sent in the mail. It is a sheer energy that is enveloping your planet in a circular fashion so that all is encompassed, all is received.”
The energy is electromagnetic in nature. It is sheer life force.
“The energy that we are identifying to you as Porlana C is of a very electromagnetic nature – this is how we operate, this is what we do. And so, in a personal sense when you are doing your individual work – which we, by the way, do on a regular basis, all of us who are on board ship – you fill yourself with this energy because it is sheer energy, it is sheer life force, and it is an energy of such a nature, of an octave, that you are able now to incorporate it so there will be no dissembling of some essential functioning of your body.”
The events of the last few months are adding up for me: Seeing how guidance works by catching my guides in action, the series of miraculous events that led to a new apartment with the view I’ve always wanted, the signal from the Arcturians every day (a strategic light turning red allowing me to cross a busy street), the very big Arcturian lightship always parked overhead (oh, a few thousand miles away), the Divine Mother saying that all financial lightworkers are protected, on and on the little things go that are making it difficult to be my normal skeptical self much longer.
So now I’m beginning to take an interest in subjects like Porlana C. Let’s see what else we can glean from the galactics, celestials, and masters that we may not have been ready to understand before now.
(Concluded in. Part 2.)
(2) Arcturian Group, Jan. 5, 2017, at
(3) St. Germaine on An Hour with an Angel, Jan. 12, 2017, at
(4) “Transcript ~ Commander Ashira Of UFOG ~ The Gift Of “Porlana C” Sheer Energy, January 3, 2017,” Jan. 11, 2017, at
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Loc. cit.
(7) St. Germaine, ibid.
(8) “Transcript ~ Commander Ashira,” ibid. All quotes that follow (6) are from the same source.