When was the last time you chatted with an archangel?
Linda Dillon has been teaching people how to channel their guides and the Council of Love for over 16 years. The success rate of people breaking through has been outstanding. This is the third time this class is being offered online.
This is a 4-Saturday series which allows for time for practice and exchange.
Class size is limited to 30 people to ensure personal attention and tutoring.
If this is the connection you have been praying for, then join us!
When (offline): Preliminary readings beginning Jan. 14, 2017
When (online): Noon-1:30 p.m. Eastern Time. Jan. 28, Feb. 11, Feb. 25, March 11
Where: Online, on your computer, and phone
What: This is an incredible opportunity to attend a live How To Channel webinar. This powerful interactive course is designed to learn and strengthen your channeling abilities, and, your ability to discern between various energies. Join us for the experience that will last a lifetime.
Fee: $444.00
There are several components to this webinar series:
- Live online class on alternating Saturdays where Linda does step-by-step instruction on how to channel. Lots of Q & A.
- Bi-weekly channelings with the Council of Love.
- Channeled readings for each class which are an inspiration, activation and download from the Council of Love
- A private online forum for class participants to chat, ask questions, and share experiences with Linda and your fellow classmates. This has been an incredible community building aspect of the webinar series.
- Class assignments, which include practice with class partners
- Follow-up and follow-through
The Council of Love invites you to take a quantum leap in your personal journey of unity, connectedness, balance and wholeness and to become a conscious channel.
Some of What We’ll Learn & Experience:
- Step by step practicum in how to channel
- 13th Octave Initiation & Gifts of the Archangels
- Tri-Flame Activations & Initiations
- Gift of the Holy Spirit
- How to let in and hold the higher energies of your guides, the Archangels, the Ascended Masters & the Council of Love
- Verbal Channeling of your guides and the Council of Love
- Channeling of Healing Energies Includes:
- Step-by-step instruction manual
- Extensive channelings on How To Channel
- Interactive forum, with coaching
Because of limited seating, there are no refunds for the class.
Do you need to pay this over time, a convenient Flex Pay is available here.