Hello again, everybody, I’m still feeling jazzed from the Bridge to Now gathering in Sedona last weekend, and hope the music never stops.
I feel blessed and honored to be asked to share.
All of us who work with the Ascended Master Teachers and Guides know how much we rely on them for their help, wisdom, guidance, strength, encouragement and Love. A while ago – I’m not sure of the timeframe – St. Germaine said to me “I rely on you as much as you rely on me.”
I was certainly taken aback by his comment, because I thought, why would such a powerful, loving Being of Light as St. Germaine need to rely on me? I consider all of us LIGHTWORKERS as boots on the ground for the Company of Heaven, and later realized how they are able to use our free-will to spread and anchor the Light as needed.
Yes, we all have different talents, abilities, and specific missions, but at the end of the day we are all in our own unique way helping to raise Gaia and all who reside on her in Sacred Partnership with the Company of Heaven. All that is required on our part is that we invite them in and allow them to do their bidding through us.
Cool, right?
So the real purpose of this article is to share what I received in a reading with St. Germaine through Linda Dillon about two years ago. In my reading, I had asked him if there was anything I could do for him at this time to be of Service. This was his reply : “I’d appreciate it if you could, multiple times a day, visualize yourself floating above the earth, holding your arms in blessing position and feel me overshadowing you as we blaze the Violet Flame into the solar plexus of all humanity.”
The solar plexus, as you know, is the emotional powerhouse of our Third-Dimensional forms, and by flooding this chakra with the Violet flame it can heal all humanity.
By inviting him to join in and overshadow you during this exercise, you allow him to bypass human free-will and really get busy. Can you imagine, with the strength in numbers of all of us, how we can help accelerate the Ascension Process? So I invite you to join in this and help St. Germaine help everyone.
I’ll briefly share how I go about this. I close my eyes, take a few deep cleansing breaths, visualize the earth as a small ball with me floating above it with my arms and hands extended in a blessing position.
I then visualize St. Germaine and Sanat Kumara overshadowing me (like my Jewish mother used to tell me, ” a little more couldn’t hurt,” so I also invite Sanat Kumara to join in) and I recite: “To my Beloved I am Presence, to St. Germaine, to Sanat Kumara: Please overshadow me now and Blaze Your Magnificent Violet Flame into the solar plexus of ALL HUMANITY, and keep it Eternally Sustained until all are Ascended and Free the Original Divine Way, without passing through the change called death.”
So be it and so it is. Thank you, GOD!! I then visualize the Violet Flame coming in through my crown chakra out through the palms of my hands into the solar plexus of all humanity.
You can do this for as long as you feel the energy flowing.
Once again, thanks to Steve for the opportunity to share.
May God continue to bless all of us on this amazing adventure.
Dr. Rick