In my reading with him on Oct. 11, 2016, Archangel Michael discussed many subjects at length related to the Reval.
In this fourth excerpt, he stresses how the big projects, like a living wage for every person on the planet, would be done by many groups in cooperation. He encourages multiple efforts from us, based in creative solutions and best thinking.
Addressing ending hunger on the planet, he said it was not just a matter of throwing money at the problem, but that there would also have to be an attitudinal shift.
Thanks to Linda for our reading and to Dana for our transcript. Any italics in the text are mine. Copyright Linda Dillon and the Council of Love, Inc., 2016.
Steve Beckow: I’m trying to gauge what it is realistic for me to think about. If I think about a basic wage for everyone on the planet, an acceptable standard of living, leaving NESARA out of the picture for a moment and thinking only of lightworkers in the Reval, am I dreaming too big? (1)
Archangel Michael: No, but it is important that you realize that this is done in tandem with many.
Steve: Oh yes, indeed, of course. That would be the Lightworkers Congress.
AAM: But there will be many expressions of this approach (2) and that is part of the delight and the diversity in the opening of creation.
There have to be – yes have to be – many expressions of what this freedom looks like, sounds like, feels like, tastes like. So we are not looking, and let us be very clear, the Mother is not looking, for uniformity.
What is – you say for example – a living wage? What one believes they require or desire is different than another. So are we talking about prosperity or availability for all? Yes we are. But how people express that and choose to use their creation energies to express that will be different and that is a good thing.
Steve: Alright. Nations of course differ on what a living wage would be. …
AAM: That is correct.
Steve: I don’t know how to approach that. I don’t know how to think about it
AAM: But you are not intended to be the sole mind brought to this question.
Steve: Okay, that makes sense. Indeed.
AAM: We need to emphasize this, time and time again, because this has been, with the best of intentions, some of the difficulties of well-intentioned and poorly-managed, poorly-thought-out strategies of assistance and aid.
This is not about throwing money at a problem – ever. This is about bringing creation and creative solutions that are based in community and unity and best thinking to the forefront.
That is why we say, this is about the expression and utilization of your talents. You are not an economist. You are not a soil engineer. And so everybody has a piece of this and that is part of the building, literally, of a global community.
Steve: I’d like to go over with you how the Lightworkers Congress might go about helping to end hunger on the planet.
Perhaps we could pretend that hunger was eliminated and then say how we did it. How are we going to use our Reval funds to end hunger on the planet, Lord? Can you help us?
AAM: Think about it in this way. First of all, let us be very practical. Ending hunger on the planet in its most obvious sense, is assuming that people are having the food and water and subsidence they need to stay alive. That is the most basic.
Now the truth of this is, again, as you’ve said about incomes, that what one requires varies from culture to culture and from country to country.
Most of the planet’s soil has been sullied, polluted, diminished and does not always yield the most nutritious food.
Now when Gaia herself (who is a much more powerful being than has been assumed) begins to realize, when she witnesses that there is a commonality of purpose and desire and action to actually nourish and feed everybody, her own regenerative powers will come into play and she works very closely with us and she works very closely with her star family.
But there is a need also for a shift in consciousness for what is desirable and necessary in terms of nutrition and a change of focus in terms of how that is extended to all people, equally.
Now we are particularly talking about Western cultures that are used to having far more food than is necessary. Now we do not say that in a way of judgment but in a way of balance.
The waste in the Western side of the hemisphere has been horrendous. So it is an attitudinal shift [that’s needed].
This is even before you talk about distribution. There is an attitudinal shift about wanting to ensure that all people are fed. It is very, very basic.
When the desire to ensure that all people are fed is truly in place, then hunger [will be] ended quickly. What has not been in place is the desire to do that.
There have been great examples of throwing money at a problem for profit or to feel good, but that has not addressed the issue of the willingness to share – to share resources, not just money but true resources and to allow Gaia to begin her process of regeneration as well.
So it is not a matter of just setting up shipping systems or international aid. It is the attitudinal shift and there is plenty for everyone.
But this attitude of lack, this attitude in many places of, “I need a full fridge and I dare not miss a meal,” is absurd.
So what you’re talking about is a shift in consciousness even prior to addressing the practicalities and that is where the efforts are.
The effort is in the education and in the attitudinal sharing of heartfelt information to bring forth these shifts and, when that takes place, everyone is fed.
(Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 11, 2016.)
(Concluded in Part 5, tomorrow.)
(1) I’m trying to get a sense of what is “dreaming too big.”
(2) Many more than just the Lightworkers Congress, that is.