Just back from Victoria, B.C., where I had an interesting discussion with my brother, who’s a therapist, about the future of psychotherapy.
When I came home and was writing him an email, suddenly, the thought arose in me, “The future of psychotherapy is win/win.”
What an interesting reminder. The future of society is win/win. The future of human civilization is win/win.
Haven’t we tried everything else? We’ve certainly tried conquering each other and none of that has proved useful or lasting.
A world that works for everyone is naturally win/win because people in bliss only want the best for each other. The Fifth Dimension is blissful; therefore, it must be win/win. The two go together.
Nonetheless, when I look within myself, I still see much residual anger, judgmentalness, many “us against them” feelings. I can’t seem to make the leap … to win/win. Not with the present vibrational level of my consciousness.
I must get something out of being cantankerous. My big brother used to wrestle me into a headlock and tell me, “You’re just an old grump.” At seventy now, I’d better pay attention.
Why am I so grumpy? I hear my Dad saying “You’re so hard done by.” And hitting me on the back of the head. I feel smouldering resentment, resistance to loving him.
Now I see that slap as very military – a seaman who risked being torpedoed every day disciplining his son – or, as he’d say, teaching him a lesson.
But whatever it is or was, it’s holding me back. This vasana, this core issue, around pure resistance itself, resistance as an identity, resistance as who I am is preventing me from making necessary leaps in consciousness. As long as I’m “in it,” I won’t open to a total comprehension of win/win.
So I haven’t joined that club yet. Intellectually perhaps, but as experiential knowledge? No. As realized knowledge? Definitely not.