The “After Ascension” series looks at what we can expect after we gain entry to the Fifth Dimension.
Let’s look at what becomes of pollution, using a question-and-answer format.
Q: What’s our future with regard to eradicating pollution?
A: Jesus: The incredibly damaging activities which have been going on for decades all across the planet are to end.
The materials supposedly essential for running your economies via excavation, mining, and drilling are not needed because far more user-friendly materials are readily available to replace them – knowledge of which has been concealed in order to create a belief in scarcity and to maintain the power of the self-serving and self-appointed elite.
The knowledge and technology necessary to release and develop this abundance of ecologically sustainable materials is soon to be unveiled, and this will enable the total eradication of world poverty while providing abundantly for all your physical needs. The New Age has arrived and the evidence of that is becoming apparent to all who choose to see it. (1)
SaLuSa: No longer will great tracts of land be used for farming, and at one stage food replicators will be used until you can “think” into being whatever you require. There will be no necessity to rape or violate the Earth for the production of food or for fossil fuels. It will be restored to its original pristine condition and you will become the Guardians of the Earth. Neither will it be a dumping ground for all of your waste, as whatever is not used will be treated or changed to serve other purposes. Pollution will be unheard of as no processes will produce any.
The biggest changes will be in your present forms of travel, and the combustion engine will eventually disappear from use. Not only that but the new vehicles will be much quicker and safer to use. They will be using free energy which is our source of power for our craft. Everyone will have use of them and they will be absolutely pollution free. These changes have been planned for a long time and are ready to go ahead as soon as it is safe to introduce them. (2)
Q: Will this be one gigantic clean-up or will pollution be a regular, recurring problem?
A: SaLuSa: In the future there will not be a repetition of the pollution you are used to experiencing. The use of polluting machinery or installations will no longer be necessary or allowed. Instead you will have new methods of operation that will be “clean” to use. (4)
Q: You’ve already been at work, have you not?
A: SaLuSa: We, like many of you, have worked as much as possible from our positions to help the collective of humanity awaken to the injustice being perpetrated unto you in the form of atmospheric pollution and pollution on dearest Gaia’s ground, but again, we can only do so much in regards to all of this.
What we’ve been unable to stop in regards to harm caused to your environment via the pollution being fed by humanity, has unfortunately been necessary to be experienced; because of your … freewill and your desire to experience the results of everything you create and sew for yourselves. …
Of course, humanity has long existed under a Law of Grace that [mitigates] the amount of potential negative karma an individual or collective would experience as a result of their actions, and it’s largely because of this Law that we’re able to work as fruitfully in your skies as we are. (5)
Q: There are many problems to deal with. Where does the clean-up of pollution fall in Heaven’s priorities?
A: Matthew Ward: Ridding Earth of toxicity will be given high priority as advancement in other ways will require a healthy environment, so all pollutants, including radiation from depleting uranium, will be dematerialized or neutralized quite rapidly with your space family’s technology. (6)
SaLuSa: The pollution of seas is of major concern as it is killing off areas that sustain the life that should abound within them. In many areas the soil is saturated with chemicals and they need cleansing so that they can be fully restored.
There is much work of this nature which would present you with an almost impossible task, but as you are finding out, there are new discoveries that will immensely speed up such operations. Indeed, with our help the task of cleaning up the Earth becomes so much easier. There will be changes of such a nature that your industries will no longer need to use polluting or toxic chemicals. There are many changes planned that will speed up the whole process to restore your Earth. (7)
Q: What will be the biggest shift in this area?
A: Ashira: The biggest shift – and we can’t wait, although we will – is the cleaning-up of the cities … clean pure air, cities, countries, nations – you have so many wars that are centering around gas and oil – this is absurd!
But what we will bring forth is the way to work with energy in various alternative ways, so that you do not need to keep maiming and drilling Mother Earth. (8)
Q: The future sounds exciting.
A: SaLuSa: Words are … inadequate to fully describe what you can look forward to in the future. However, with our coming we will make sure you understand the reasons for actions taken. They are to introduce you to our ways of life that shall also become yours, and remove or change anything that has previously resulted in the pollution or damage to you or Mother Earth.
It means changes to many of your methods of manufacturing, and the materials used. No longer will you work in dangerous conditions, and in fact operating methods will become far more automated. The dirt and sweat will become a thing of the past, and no one will labor in such a way. (9)
Sheldan Nidle: The vast amount of pollution is to be eliminated. The problem of waste that currently clogs your sewers and prevents you from obtaining the amount of drinking water needed can be easily corrected. You are to be able to employ technologies that are to transform your world. … You are entering a new and dynamic reality! (10)
SaLuSa: All that is of the lower vibrations will eventually be transmuted or disappear from your sight. That is how the Earth will be restored with all traces of pollution removed. A new Earth is to be born so that you can commence another stage in your evolution.
It will be most comforting and bring back the joy and happiness that has been lacking in many peoples lives. The Light will shine out from all directions, and the consciousness levels of all forms of life will be raised up. (11)
Q: Are there technologies and equipment available to repair the damage done to the planet?
The technologies and equipment needed to repair the damage caused to the planet by decades of use of unnecessarily destructive methods of harvesting both mineral and biological resources are now available and will be put to work first to mitigate the damaging environmental effects already caused, and then to heal the areas where destruction has occurred.
Those of you who have seen some of the extreme depredation that has been perpetrated in remote areas might think that the harm is beyond repair, but the planet is a valiant and powerful soul, and the remedies that are now available for assisting in her healing are quite remarkable. What you might think of as amazing results are beginning to occur as these remedies are applied. (12)
Q: I’ve heard that you use energetic transmutations to eradicate pollution and its effects.
A: Saan: You’ll be able to use energetic transmutation [also] to mitigate and cleanse the bulk effects from the pollution that’s been manifested and fed for so long, and the Pleiadians and Sirians especially take to stationing themselves in your skies already to perform what, to your collective, would seem to be very advanced and intricate healing and cleansing jobs.
As has been disclosed by others, formulas are indeed downloaded into Gaia’s atmosphere and along with this, pure energy from the hearts of those aboard the ships (giving the formulas) are added and mixed in with the energy given out in your skies, much of which is unseen.
This energy is transmutation-based in nature and serves to cleanse pollution to the extent allotted by the souls who manifest the energy and feed it through their sentient technology. (13)
SanJasKa: The degree to which you feed into this [divine] energy [within] rather than allowing yourselves to become conduits for the old Earthly energy that’s kept your present paradigm ongoing for generations, determines your ability to find greater perceptions of it.
You’ll be able to do so very much for the ascension of your Earth with it, and as you find greater recognitions and understandings of it, so does your ability to use it grow. You’ll eventually find yourselves able to Master bringing through and expressing this energy, and you’ll find yourselves able to use it for positive cleansing and mitigating purposes.
You’ll use the energy you’ll come to find within to cleanse the pollution manifested and fed on your Earth in a plethora of different ways, and many of you will choose to utilize the technology we’ll help you to understand and possess, for the purpose of mitigating and cleansing pollution. (14)
We, like many of you, have worked as much as possible from our positions to help the collective of humanity awaken to the injustice being perpetrated unto you in the form of atmospheric pollution and pollution on dearest Gaia’s ground, but again, we can only do so much in regards to all of this.
What we’ve been unable to stop in regards to harm caused to your environment via the pollution being fed by humanity has unfortunately been necessary to be experienced; because of your aforementioned freewill and your desire to experience the results of everything you Create and sew for yourselves…
Of course, humanity has long existed under a Law of Grace that skewers the amount of potential negative karma an individual or collective would experience as a result of their actions, and it’s largely because of this Law that we’re able to work as fruitfully in your skies as we are. (15)
Q: What will we do to eradicate pollution?
A: Hathors: There are so many groups and individuals working behind the scenes on your world and in the higher dimensions on the restoration of your planet and on everything that’s to come with it. However, we, being great in number as we are, still cannot do all of this work ourselves. (16)
Sheldan Nidle: Your time and energies will be freed up, enabling you to tackle … cleaning up your planet’s air, water, and ground pollution. In this way you will be graduating to a wholly new relationship with your living home world, one which will see you becoming a capable and loving guardian and monitoring the harmonious proliferation of all that is now to happen throughout your globe. (17)
Q: How does life differ in the higher levels that no pollution is produced?
A: SaLuSa: Take … the various resources of Earth that are used daily to sustain your world and its demands. In the higher levels that will become almost unnecessary as you will have little need to take from the Earth, when you can create what you want through the power of thought. In the same way as you dispose of your creations when there use has expired, there is no waste or pollution as all is returned to the unmanifest to be used again. When you reach such levels you will have the knowledge and ability to handle such matters, as your consciousness will be consistent with that expected of a Galactic Being. (18)
Q: That reminds me of the situation on the Astral Plane.
A: Cliffy McLean: There is no wastage [in the Astral Plane] because the very juice [from the fruits being discussed] which may be discarded dissolves into the surrounding ether and, instantaneously, returns to the substance of the tree. (19)
(1) Jesus via John Smallman, May 26, 2013, at
(2) SaLuSa, Sept. 28, 2011, at
(3) Available.
(4) SaLuSa, Sept. 19, 2012.
(5) “Channeled Pleiadian Interview: Awakening to Pollution, Increasing Disclosures and Understanding Energetic Alchemy,” by Wes Annac, June 11, 2013 at
(6) Matthew’ s Messages, Oct. 22, 2008, at Depleted Uranium would have been a planet-killer, omnicidal had the galactics not seen to it. See Depleted Uranium: Why We Must Not Go to War with Iran
(7) SaluSa, June 19, 2015.
(8) “Transcript: Heavenly Blessings ~ Commander Ashira Returns for a Further Discussion on Galactic Life,” channeled by Linda Dillon, March 25, 2014, at
(9) SaLuSa, June 14, 2010.
(10) Sheldan Nidle, Jan. 19, 2016, at
(11) SaLuSa, May 4, 2012.
(12) Saul, May 8, 2013, at
(13) “Saan and the Arcturian Councils: You’re Spiritual Explorers by Nature,” channeled by Wes Annac, August 13, 2013 at
(14) “SanJAsKa and the Pleiadian High Council: Continual Revolutions of Peace and Love,” channeled by Wes Annac, August 20, 2013 at
(15) “Channeled Pleiadian Interview,” ibid.
(16) “The Hathors: Influential Awakenings, Accepting Unexpected Truth and Creating Collective Revolution,” channeled by Wes Annac, August 16, 2013 at
(17) Sheldan Nidle, September 17, 2013 at
(18) SaLuSa, May 14, 2011.
(19) Cliffy McLean in Lesley May, med., Letters from Mother. A Family Biography in Two Worlds. Ed. Edmund Bentley. London: Psychic Press, 1964, 81.