Again, in researching another article, I came across this superlative discussion of sacred partnership, by Archangel Michael, from An Hour with an Angel, late 2013.
“Archangel Michael: I See You! I Love You! I Will Engage,” Golden Age of Gaia, Nov. 8, 2013
Linda Dillon, channel, Council of Love
Archangel Michael: As you have discovered, as you have been filled with the higher frequencies, with the endless downloads, it is not a matter of a download here, a download there, a frequency adjustment and attunement. You have been penetrated 24/7 for years, and it is only increasing. It is only going to continue to increase. The clarity gift is one of many. So yes, get ready.
Steve Beckow: That’s amazing.
AAM: But what it is doing is you are recognizing that there is a heart’s desire that you may not have even recognized before, because you kept those pieces of yourselves hidden, that you are allowing to come to the forefront. Can I be so romantic as to, say, fall in love? There is nothing above or below that is more wondrous, more joyful than the expansion of love. And how this is happening is in the recognition of sacred partners.
In very sometimes unusual circumstances — and they are going to become even more unusual as your star brothers and sisters appear, because you have allowed the truth of your multidimensional, hybrid self to come forward — you are seeing your mission and purpose and you are understanding that, not only can it not be completed in isolation, that it is not desirable. It goes back to that expression of joy, to that experience of joy, to that yearning for joy.
So there is this clarity about wanting to create and to co-create, first and foremost, union with another. And so, one of the first parts of these new forms, shall we say, of union is coming together and understanding, through standing etherically naked, the points of conjunction on which you come together.
Where do you mesh? Where do you unify in joint forces to achieve something, tangible or intangible? Where do you act as a support mechanism, and the lead mechanism, to achieve something? How do you come together where two have always been much stronger than one? Even to start with you are four, and then more. [Two twin flames plus the Mother and Father God.]
So it is more mission-driven than simply an ideation of what a partnership or a marriage is about. This notion — and it has been a human notion, and we could spend a great deal of time talking about how the power structures of union and marriage have evolved and shifted — but these unions do not require a set form. And that is new. It is original. It is how it is on this side. It is how it was in the very beginning.
But there is a decision between the two souls on that form, depending on what you are working on, what you are achieving, what you are dreaming, what you are creating, how you are playing. And then the form follows the creation and the desire, rather than setting the form and then making everything fit the form. That is how you ended up with institutions that don’t work. So, you aren’t repeating that error. You have grown.
And the form that these partnerships will take, or can take, by choice, will shift and morph, again, depending on what you are dreaming, what you are desiring.
But the key to this is freedom, complete liberation, and the acknowledgment, not in lip service, but on the deepest soul level, of the freedom of the person that you are joining with the sanctity — yes, the sanctity! — of their path, of their choices, of their desires, of their decisions. So there is no push and pull. It is the ebb and flow. It is the infinity. It is the tide.
Look at the rhythm that Gaia has set for you. She is in union — no, not sacred partnership, but certainly in union — with her kingdoms, and there is a rhythm. And in many parts of the world there are seasons, and there is this ebb and flow, depending on whose time it is to flower, to change, to die, to leave.
So, the crux of the new sacred union energy — and I am pleading with you, because this is a sacred beginning for all of you, whether you think that you are in sacred union now or not — this is the new way. It’s freedom and liberation, and it is love.
And it is the freedom to say to each other, “Is this love? Are these words love?” “Are these actions love? Are these feelings love? Are they the demonstration of purity and clarity? Do they lift me up, even when I am looking at something that perhaps I have avoided, or evaded? Does it lift me? Does it liberate me because I am free to look at this not in a threatening manner, not in a way of punishment and brimstone, but because I am cared for and cherished and seen for who I really am?”
This is a reflection. It is the anchoring — you have that expression, “Heaven on Earth”? — it is the anchoring of how union works, certainly on our side, but certainly in the higher dimensions and in the more evolved civilizations.
We have talked often, and certainly from time to time this channel has spoken, of experiences with your star brothers and sisters and what relationships and family and freedom of relationships looks like with your star brothers and sisters. And sometimes you think of it, or have thought of it, in terms of sacrifice. But it is not viewed that way.
So, for example, we have talked to you about having many, many star beings on the planet — not starseeds, star beings, your star friends, your family — on Earth in this moment preparing for the next step. And that has included the separation of sacred partnerships, of unions. But never is there a word of saying, “You can’t do that. You can’t leave me. I will be so lonely. What will I do?”
No. Because there is the knowing that even in that separation, to do the mission, the telepathic and the heart connection does not fade in the slightest. If anything, it is strengthened, because that is what is drawn upon. And it endures, and it is solid and it is nourishing. And there is a knowing that nothing, nothing, can interfere with that love, with that soul commitment that has been made to join together in this mission and purpose.
Now, previously, most human beings did not understand that. There were exceptions in terms of religious mission, but the only other true example has been akin and related to war — “Well, you must go off to war, and I will continue to love you.” But that in itself is an aberration.
So, you are learning how to extend your energy field to each other, to dance in the ethers and tap dance on the Earth together, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, not always as mirrors or twins, but as points of conjunction on your mutual grid that you are sharing.
And you are learning, you are starting to learn about how to play with this, so that you can slide along that grid and enter into another’s sacred space, your sacred partner’s space. And similarly you can allow them to slide into yours.
You do meld in a very new and different way, because the fear element is going. And then you take each other’s hands and hearts and you travel throughout the universe, you multi-locate to whatever planet or dimension you want to explore. You play. Because that feeds your creation and your creativity. You don’t put parameters around what is possible with your sacred union. And there is a willingness, a determination, a drive to explore it all.
It is what the Mother had in mind — mind! — when she created this movement, this attraction of one to another. It is a gift, and it is beautiful. So, do not resist, my friends. Allow this beautiful dance to begin.
SB: Well, you take my breath away, Lord, truly. How is the Company of Heaven bringing people together? In other words, should people be looking? Should they be going onto meet-up sites? Or is this all going to happen in a slow and — well, not necessarily slow, but — gradual unfoldment?
AAM: No, it is not gradual. Each person has the choice of their timing. But what we are asking you to do is to listen to your hearts. And if your heart is yearning, yes, we are coordinating it! It is a gift from the Mother. It is the gift of sacred union.
First, the union with yourself, the union with the Divine, and the union with your partner. For some of you, because your personality — we do not wish to destroy delightful personalities! — so, for some of you it is on meet-up sites, or meet-up occasions. But when you feel the urge to go and do something, then do so! Do not say, “Well, that’s ridiculous. I’ve done this before a million times and nothing ever happened.” Or do not say, “I’ve never done this before. I’m not going to start now.”
No! Listen to your heart. You are being divinely guided and inspired. You have asked us for the tools. Well, this is one of them.
Now, there will be many, what you would think of as simply synchronicities and meetings. For those of you who are aware and open to it, that is how it occurs. And it is occurring every single moment, all over your planet. Because you have said “Yes” to love.
Many times you have said to me, “Michael, how will we get 6, 7 billion people to ascend?” And I say to you, through love, through freedom, and through the desire to travel together. So, yes. Do not avoid each other. Engage as you see fit, and please, your guides, your guardian angels are working to bring you to your lover. Yes, your lover!
You all have choices, but some are more perfect than others, and this is the time of perfection and freedom.