Part of the wonderment of building a new world is that we have, if we wish to see things this way, a completely new canvas on which to paint.
One could say, “Well, that’s only in your imagination.” But that reflects an older point of view on things.
What newer information tells us is that the Fifth-Dimensional way of creating is to imagine. What we call “imagination,” they call creative thought.
They create through thought; we do as well. Just slower.
Look at all the people with diseases related to the ways they think about and describe their situation – pain in the neck, can’t stomach it, carrying the world on my shoulders. (1) It just takes longer here for their creative thought to materialize.
On one part of my canvas, I’m painting a new way of communicating. Do I know what it is? No, I haven’t opened to inspiration yet and let those words flow through. In many cases, I’d only know myself after I’ve written. Which is why I write: To learn.
The first part of creating a new mode of communicating is letting go of what didn’t work in the old. And one prime pattern that didn’t work Werner Erhard called “false cause.”
It’s probably too obvious to state, but false cause means to attribute cause to something which was not the cause. It’s very, very common in our repertoire of conditioned behavior.
It usually manifests as us posing as victims of another, in areas where we’re not victims. The statement “You made me mad” is a perfect example.
It’s false cause to say that someone makes me mad. The police can make me go to jail. That’s true. But the choice of being mad is in my hands alone.
Let’s say that four other people sat in front of Mary, who “made John mad,” and I asked them how they felt. Perhaps one would also be mad. Another might be shocked. A third might be afraid. A fourth might be indignant.
I don’t think Mary has the power to evoke so many different reactions in people. People themselves, having the power of individuality, free will, and variability, must be in charge of their reactions.
But let’s stop here a moment and increase the magnification.
I think we’re in charge of our own reactions. And if we are, the question then becomes: What advantage lies in taking responsibility for it?
Let’s go more deeply into that. My recent studies of “will” suggest to me that the method of increasing our personal power lies in ever more deeply acknowledging our responsibility for what happens in our lives.
By “personal power,” I mean the ability to call oneself forth and bring all of one’s capacities to bear on the task at hand, in ways consistent with the divine qualities and in the service of the Divine Mother.
Example of the fruitfulness of taking responsibility? After nearly seventy years of relationships, I’m beginning to see my role in their breakdown. Having seen it, I’ve stopped doing what I’ve always done in the past – complain, accuse, point out flaws and failures, screw up in what were banal Third-Dimensional ways.
Now I just stop. The words still come to my mind and I no longer utter them. And situations are surprising me in how well they’re going. No residue. No complication. No score-keeping. I’m amazed.
In terms of putting the Humpty Dumpty man back together again, stopping is an act of will. I hadn’t activated my “stopping” capacity, my “self-control” before. I lacked strength in this area of my life.
By acknowledging my responsibility in the matter, I hope to increase the viability of my relationships where posing as a false-cause victim was not doing anyone any good.
Am I suggesting that we acknowledge responsibility for something where we clearly were or are the victim? No, I’m not. That would be “false responsibility,” just as troublesome as “false cause.”
In the latter case, we falsely accuse others; in the former, we falsely accuse ourselves. Leaving aside the attitude of accusation, which never worked, discernment is required around actual and false personal responsibility.
But I am suggesting that we at least inquire into the areas where we really do look like victims. Our society seems addicted to victimhood. It’s built into the way we speak (“You made me do it”). There may be additional conditioned behavior that we can squeeze out of this sponge by another look.
The point is that the deeper we can see and acknowledge our responsibility – where we are responsible, of course – the more powerful we become.
That’s my hypothesis in this laboratory, this workshop that our lives are.
How can we feel personally powerful – powerful enough to be willing to take on vanquishing hunger in Africa, powerful enough to stop female genital mutilation, powerful enough to stand up to the white slavers who are taking women and selling them into sexual slavery, that powerful – if we have no sense of being in charge of our own reactions to things? Where’s the strong and stable foundation upon which power can gather and from which it can project?
First we have to gather ourselves to ourselves – all unclaimed aspects of ourselves – then we have to take responsibility for what’s actually ours in our dealings with ourself and others.
At that moment we’ve come home to ourselves. This is the strong and stable foundation we’ve been seeking, upon which power can gather and from which it can be projected into the world as Nova Earth, our peaceful and harmonious creation.
(1) Archangel Michael told me once that my colitis was attributable to the fact that I couldn’t stomach what was happening in the world.