(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
Let’s leave aside the cabal’s unsuccessful attempt to rule the world and contemplate what’s next for a world free of their control.
We have our planet back. What are we going to do with it?
If you’d allow me, I’d like to address the question.
Imagine a time beyond the Reval and irrigation of society is occurring. Some segments of society are loosening up and talking to one another. Now hold onto that imaginary scene and feeling as we look at some suggestions.
First I suggest we as neighborhoods, nations, our world talk – lots of talk – real town meetings, cracker-barrel democracy, sit-ins and love-ins.
I suggest we begin to identify what needs to be done, at any level of society we wish to focus on. Our neighborhood, city, state/province, nation, continent, or world.
What needs to be done? What needs to be fixed? Whatever is broken, damaged, not available and needed, a source of future problems. Anything important that’s not working is a fair target for our attention. Hunger, poverty, homelessness, disease, poor sanitation, poor education, no hospitals, on and on the list of unworkable situations goes.
We may wish to start with the local and work outwards. Or we may choose to work on the international scene. We need both types.
Let’s at least start identifying what we could and perhaps will do when the dam finally breaks.
Next, I suggest we do what’s necessary to ensure unrigged elections that will bring in leaders who can and will lead us in cleaning up the mess the planet is in.
Then I suggest we discuss on the Internet what the best practices are around democracy, equality, and abundance for all and hold our leaders to the standards we come up with. I suggest that every profession create a code of ethics or revisit their existing one, refurbish it, and recommit to live by it.
Following that, I suggest we re-establish as a planetary people the social compact, the social contract, the agreements we make as a global society, and re-commit to live by them. (1)
Then the social contract needs to be expounded and applied to every field of human endeavor – human rights, law, medicine, education, peacekeeping/military, etc. It may require truth commissions in some situations to start or complete the process.
I personally think the people need to participate in some form of ritual for cleansing and rededication. Renegotiating the social contract is that ritual, marking the end of one social order and the beginning of the new.
We’ll have help. And we’ll also have funds. The white hats continue to do their work behind the scenes to ensure that outcome. Soon their work will come to fruition and the table will be set.
I hope we aim after the Reval to build Nova Earth. The value of anything we contemplate doing might usefully be assessed by the extent to which it contributes to that goal.
Do I know what “Nova Earth” is or is like? No, I don’t. Do I know what it should look like? No, I don’t. We as a planet will have to decide what “Nova Earth” will be and look like.
For the moment, the front-line troops are those lightworkers who invested in the Reval. They have the opportunity to put a service-based philosophy into action. They’ll be the front line of builders of Nova Earth, the layers of new track.
The old track from 9/11 ends here. While we honor the memory of all who died on that day, and we know who’s responsible, the track we lay past this point is new.
(1) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a wonderful start to this process. Our new spiritual understandings, however, may allow us to greatly extend certain of its notions.