Most people aren’t aware that life has a purpose.
Some people wonder what it might be. Others know it and get to work to align with it consciously and fulfill life’s purpose.
Whether we examine the literature of enlightenment, (1) or of life after death, (2) or of Ascension, (3) we find universal agreement on the subject.
The purpose of life for God is to experience Itself in a moment of our enlightenment. The purpose of life for us is to experience the truth of who we are in a moment of enlightenment. The truth is that each and every one of us is God. God is all there is. How could it be otherwise?
In the next few articles, I’d like to look at that purpose and at the long journey to mergence again with the God who birthed us.
One can speak about the final rejoining with God as an awakening, a return, a reunion, mergence, homecoming, etc. It is the shedding of all traces of individuality or differentiation and the arising, without any trace of separation, as the One.
SaLuSa tells us that “your search for perfection is never ending, until you finally return to the Source of All That Is.” (4)
This journey goes on much farther than our personal Ascension, Archangel Michael tells us.
“As spiritual growth is ongoing, continual and a sacred journey and path, all will continue, long after they have completed planetary ascension.” (5)
Matthew Ward tells us that “the eternal life of the soul includes the return to the Beginnings in Creator.” For us that means that “there are eons of layers of forgetfulness to uncover in the unequalled adventure called Life.”
“Light, the pure love essence of Creator Source and the most powerful energy in the cosmos, is available to every soul in every instant, and by accepting the light, each continues evolving by consciously remembering what is known at soul level.” (6)
Ascension, Atmos of Sirius informs us, “is but a step towards achieving full consciousness, and taking your place with the Masters.” (7) Archangel Michael explains that Ascension “is an ever-evolving, continuous, on-going evolutionary process and not a destination.” (8)
SaLuSa reminds us that “the whole purpose of our [the galactics’] coming is to join up with you and together we shall walk the final path to completion. Yet that is simply the commencement of another journey that will open up the Cosmos to you.” (9)
Life is “a never-ending journey,” he reminds us. (10)
“There is a path that will take you back to the Source, when you shall become a God in your own rights. However, there is far to go and many experiences to be had, before you reach the ultimate goal. …
“Life will go on into infinity and there are always going to be opportunities to lift up into higher dimensions. Just imagine life as one great experience of harmony and happiness, because that is what lies ahead of you.” (11)
He continues:
“The world … must keep evolving, as that is the nature of All That Is. It cannot stand still and is mystically attracted to the Source, (12) where you will finally reach the ultimate completion of the return journey. The Creator draws all back into its Being, only to again commence further great cycles of experience. Such possibilities must seem so far away from your present ones, and with your limited levels of consciousness it is too much to expect any real understanding. Even for us the mysteries still exist, and with seemingly no end to creation there is so much more to experience.” (13)
In the next articles in this series, let’s look in more detail at the purpose of life for God and for us.
(1) See “Enlightenment is th Purpose of Life” at
(2) See “Enlightenment is the Purpose of Life” at
(3) See “The ”The Purpose of Life for God” at and “The Purose of Life for Us” at
(4) SaLuSa, Jan. 4, 2013, at https://at
(5) Archangel Michael, “Balance Your Subconscious, Conscious and Superconscious Minds,” June 2010, through Rev. Michelle Coutant, at
(6) Matthew’s Message, March 29, 2010, at
(7) Atmos of Sirius, May 18, 2009, at https://at
(8) Archangel Michael, May 2010 monthly message, through Ronna Herman, at
(9) SaLuSa, Feb. 23, 2009.
(10) SaLuSa, April 20, 2009.
(11) SaLuSa, Sept. 18, 2009.
(12) This mystical attraction is often called the “Longing for Liberation.”
See “Longing for Liberation” at; also “God Has Implanted in Our Hearts a Desire to Progress, a Longing for Liberation, or a Yearning for Union with Him” at ; and “The Longing for Liberation” at
(13) SaLuSa, Feb. 26, 2010.