I was saying earlier that I want to use all the time that I can before the Reval to have some discussions that people might find useful later.
Today I wanted to lay out a generic flowchart for creating a global project. Global projects are those aimed at global reformation – ending hunger, poverty, inequality, disease, etc.
This follows on from realizing a few days ago what it was, so to speak, that I’m here to create. I put it this way:
“I’m here to create a restoration of collective will among lightworkers on this planet such that they can and will come together to use their financial resources to build Nova Earth: to rid the Earth of global problems like hunger and poverty and create a world that works for everyone.
“We’ll soon be handed the resources and now we need to do the actual work.”
Having taken this purpose upon myself, I then found myself looking at the overall task and – as I often do – I immediately began breaking it down into areas and teams and tasks. Again I see the relevance of watching so many documentaries recently of people organizing vast armies, supply lines, logistics, etc.
The very first thing I looked at was making a generic flowchart for creating a functioning global project.
It could be as big as the Hope Chest or as small as a local homeless shelter. It doesn’t matter. The hope is that all projects will get funded.
Once the never-ending search for funds is gotten rid of, then one heart is shown to be equal to another. One share is also shown to be equal to another. And one act that transmits love is shown to be equal to another.
The project’s scope doesn’t matter. Whether it touches one heart or millions, the love goes out and melts into the light being created around Gaia as we speak, light – if I’m correct – that’s important to our Ascension.
Steps to Creating a Functioning Global Project
1. Creating will. Someone must hold the intention, from start to finish of the project.
2. Envisioning. Someone needs to put forth at least the first enabling and motivating vision. Later it can be improved upon.
3. Creating means. The resources needed to complete the project are assembled.
4. Creating opportunity. If it’s an online service, then creating the websites and other portals. If it were to be a service, then the storefront, etc.
5. Recruiting. The team that will do the job is assembled.
6. Training. Training is held in whatever special skills the project requires.
7. Starting up. Start-up requires different attitudes and acknowledgments than just any regular day
8. Teething. Teething problems can be expected and special patience may be needed.
9. Gaining momentum. As the team works together, the pace of things picks up; the pace of routines smoothes out.
10. Flow. Having reached a state of flow as a team, the project, I think, has become a channel for continuing abundance, as Archangel Michael has discussed:
Steve Beckow: I have been saying to readers that the Company of Heaven is watching financial wayshowers and stewards…
Archangel Michael: That is correct.
Steve: … And that those who do well – in other words, do the job of hydrating society – will find themselves supported to go forward.
AAM: That is correct.
Steve: … It’s correct. Okay. I don’t want to be saying something to them that’s misleading. Thank you for being definite about that. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 1, 2016.)