Love and will go together.
They whirl around each other in an endless dance.
Will without love is dry, moralistic, self-righteous.
Love turns will around and leads it to the service of others rather than the service of self.
Love without will goes nowhere. It may not be heard or received by many.
Will extends the reach of love and service to others.
I expect there to be magic created when love and will are perfectly in balance with each other. Discovering whether that’s true or not is what I’m after.
When the Divine Masculine (and I’m having fun associating that with will) and the Divine Feminine (more fun associating that with love) are in perfect balance, I think we’d be sitting right up there at the top of Maslow’s pyramid (below).
As we cleanse ourselves of core issues and 3D conditioning, we naturally and inevitably gravitate back to the center, the heart, our natural state (sahaja).
And I imagine we also remove impediments from our divine male and female aspects, allowing them to blend together (androgyny), again naturally.
I’m led to believe that androgyny is one evolutionary step on the road to Ascension. My hypothesis is that a balance of love and will = androgyny.