This post by “Heisenberg” on financial wayshowing (below), is intriguing to me. Before we turn to the post, let me say first why that is.
The Boss (AAM), in two past readings, has been encouraging me to remember my warrior side. He chided me recently about a military accomplishment from a former lifetime. He questioned why I’d say I’m not a warrior in this lifetime.
I said this doesn’t seem to be the era of the warrior.
I asked him how I can be a warrior today. And he replied that I was making war on Third-Dimensional, unworkable habits and patterns, core issues and conditioned behavior (the last two are my words). I do get that.
But there’s more to it, I think. What I actually think is happening is that he wants me at this moment to focus on recovering my will; hence the martial context. Will is a capability I’ll soon be needing. I need to emerge completely from the Humpty Dumpty Man.
My sense of that coincides with something else that’s been happening in my life. As I’ve mentioned on other occasions, I’ve felt drawn since my operation to war videos and I haven’t known why. And especially to videos of three battles in WWII: The battles for Moscow, Stalingrad, and Kursk.
I’m now starting to see why. In the course of these three battles, the Soviet army went from defeat to victory, from being disorganized, unskilled, and afraid to being determined (period). They swept the Nazis out of their country after Moscow (some would say, after Kursk), and didn’t stop until they chased them all the way back to Berlin.
Consider the value of these inspiring stories to the Humpty Dumpty Man. They show me over and over again the example of the recovery of will.
And watch how a celestial works with his devotee. You can see how I’m being helped and guided in the recovery of my will.
What’s next? I actually do know. OK, I strongly suspect.
What’s next is to use the skills gained from this work of recovering my will and applying them to the the work of recovering our collective will as lightworkers, to collaborate to end conditions of global suffering.
We as lightworkers, and especially the financial wayshowers among us, are going to need to come together as a coordinated whole if we’re going to have our money make the crucial difference in pulling this world out of misery, quickly.
We’ll need to make the same jump the Soviets did: from unwilling to willing, from a divided mind to single-minded determination. We’ll need to sweep all obstacles before us in eliminating poverty, homelessness, hunger, and other world conditions from this planet. That’s the impact watching those videos during recovery has had on me.
Always with love, of course. That’s the quandary, the paradox: Marrying will and love.
Marrying will and love, I believe, will prove to be the marriage of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, within (androgyny).
I consider reconciling those two within (love and will) important to allowing and empowering us to collaborate successfully. Only our determined but loving balance will make this a successful venture, where so many similar ventures in the past have not left the launching pad or fizzled out in flight.
We need to come together in conference or council, plan together how to use our wealth to eliminate unwanted world conditions, and coordinate carrying out our plans.
So this focus on the forging of collective will is why Heisenberg’s share was so intriguing to me.
His approach is love-based; it’s service-oriented; but it’s also martial.
If you can, hear it with an open mind. Or don’t read it at all if the martial theme offends you. You can hear it from someone else, speaking a different language – it’ll be the same message.
Metaphors often help us understand a process. Here the process is collaboration.
“SITREP a Soldier’s 411” – Guest Post by Heisenberg
Dinar Chronicles, 7/22/2016 09:38:00 PM
Entry Submitted by Heisenberg at 11:19 PM on July 22, 2016
As the generals figure out the best time to pull the trigger on our mercy drop of LOVE, we’re the soldiers on the front line and in the trenches and we sit and wait for your go.
We’re well beyond spiritual boot camp. We’re well prepared but still we wait. We wait for the helicopter drop of Mercy into the war zone. Yes, we’re civilians, some of us , but we know we were chosen by God’s generals and archangels to fight the enemy of hunger, famine, drug addiction, unemployment, disease, slavery, homelessness, etc.
We’re God’s soldiers and we’re here to fight. We’re the chosen many that will willingly go into the hardest ghettos and stand in front of God’s people who’ve been neglected and show our face. We know that we’ll be targets for bringing God’s Mercy and yet we stand at the ready.
Here we sit in a very large transport plane two rows, buckled in tight, facing each other. The ride is bumpy and hot and we’ve been on it longer than we can remember. There is a red light shining throughout the cabin and we wait for it to turn green at which time we willingly jump into the unknown alone and, yes, afraid for our lives.
We may have had teachers and drill sergeants and comrades along the way, but at this moment we have only one voice with us and it’s God’s and at this point we all will pray as if our lives depended on it. We know about the face value and we know about the “no lop” (1) so we also know that all the pressure, all the expectation is on us as individuals to carry God’s cross. No excuses, mate.
So, as you colonels and generals and leaders of this land get it together, just know that you have an army of God’s soldiers ready to take that jump and lay their hearts and souls and lives on the line for their fellow man. All glory and honor to God.
(1) I believe the phrase relates to the Zimbabwean dollar and concerns the number of zeroes to come off the trillion and billion dollar denominations. But I’m just guessing. I think what he’s saying is that we know the large sums we’ll be handling and the great magnitude of the task, and we’re not afraid. We’ll get the job done.