Note: I shouldn’t have spoken so soon about ceasing to post my reports in parts; as you can see I’ve reversed the decision in favor of having something to post every day (or at least most days).
I hope you enjoy these reports regardless of how they’re presented. =)
To an outsider looking in at the UFO movement, it may seem a little strange.
How can there be so much information about UFOs, extraterrestrial races and the collusion between negative ETs and a ‘shadow government’ that runs the world yet stays hidden from the public eye if governments we think have our best interest in mind haven’t officially made contact?
For skeptics, the only rational explanation is that the evidence supporting the existence of UFOs and visitation is bogus and the theories surrounding these contacts are fantasy.
However, a growing number of people around the world disagree and you’d be surprised to see who some of them are.
Some have worked in highly classified projects for the military industrial complex and surfaced as whistleblowers to tell their story, and others have experienced ET contact in ways that, to them, were undeniable.
A Fascinating Subject
As a lover of mystery who’s interested in breaking down consensus reality and revealing the bliss on the other side, the ET subject has always fascinated me. I’m interested in the idea that we’re not alone because to me, it seems obvious.
I’m also interested in learning conspiracy facts, because they confirm what I already know: a negative force operates on this world and has most of society under its control.
What if the powers that be are hiding evidence of an extraterrestrial presence on earth? What if Roswell and other sightings or contacts were genuine and our governments have been lying about them?
Open-Minded Discernment
I recommend discernment with this topic and others like it, but I also advise being open to the possibility that some of the information here is true.
The extraterrestrial presence is an undeniable reality for countless people, and there has to be a reason so many of them are convinced it’s real.
Most of these people are normal citizens who are either open to the idea of contact or have actually experienced it, which is something society would call them crazy for.
A little openness toward this topic might help you become aware of something most people prefer not to think about, and while the potential ET presence is an uncomfortable subject, it’s crucial to humanity’s evolution.
Everything Would Change
An extraterrestrial presence on earth would change everything about the way the world functions, and nearly every aspect of society would become irrelevant as humanity is forced to face the uncomfortable truth that we’re not alone in the cosmos.
All of these earthly things in which we place so much importance would be seen for what they really are, and for most people, it’s a lot easier to avoid this possibility than consider it.
The apparent lack of evidence of the ET presence supports the notion that we’re alone in the cosmos and assures we never have to look beyond our frivolous human existence.
We get to remain in our comfort zone, but sooner or later, something will break the fallacy that we’re alone and we’ll have to face the truth.
Something will wake us up to the fact that we’re cosmic beings traveling through space that’ll inevitably make contact with an otherworldly species (if we haven’t already).
For me, exploring literature on UFOs and ET contact is a great way to be open to another reality, the inhabitants of which actively engage ours.
With an open mind and a healthy sense of discernment, let’s take a look at these interesting and mind-boggling accounts of extraterrestrial contact:
Helen and Betty Mitchell Met Humans from Mars
In 1959, Helen and Betty Mitchell published an account of extraterrestrial visitation in their book We Met the Space People (1). According to the book, they were approached by two male humans in a coffee shop in 1957 who claimed to be from Mars (1).
They proved they were genuine by telling the sisters ‘intimate’ details about their family (1). After gaining their confidence, the two men instructed them to create a device that would allow for six months of sustained contact (1).
In November 1957, Helen departed a ‘secluded Illinois wood’ in a spacecraft and traveled to a mothership where she called Betty, who stayed behind (1).
The sisters were reportedly asked by the council of benevolent human Martians to speak up against atomic weapons (1), a common theme in contact cases, because by that time a dangerous level of radioactivity had already contaminated the earth as a result of atomic weaponry and the council was concerned (1).
Shirley MacLaine Went out on a Limb
You may be familiar with actress Shirley MacLaine, but you may not be familiar with her work regarding extraterrestrial contact.
In her book Out on a Limb, she uses a fictional character named David to introduce an ET contact case from South America (1). The character is based on Charles A. Silva (1), a South American man who claimed he was visited by an enlightened female extraterrestrial from the Pleiades (1).
At the same time his contact occurred, there was another reported case of Pleiadian contact with a farmer named Eduard Meier in Switzerland (1). MacLaine visited and interviewed both contactees for days (1), and she would later study reports of Pleiadian contacts around the world (1).
Jim Sparks Met ‘The Keepers’
Contactee Jim Sparks reportedly has an extensive relationship with extraterrestrial beings known as ‘The Keepers’ (2).
These beings can live for thousands of years without losing their youth because they’ve ‘conquered death’ (2), and they advised him on how humanity can overcome the mess we’ve made on earth and eventually join other galactic races (2).
The Keepers told Sparks that humans have repeatedly reached a critical evolutionary point and destroyed ourselves throughout history, and we have an opportunity to evolve this time around instead (2).
(Continued in part 2 tomorrow)
(1) Rick Keefe, “Benevolent ET Groups”, UFO Hypothesis, n.d. –
(2) Makia Freeman, “The Top 20 Most Fascinating, Mind-Blowing Alien Contactee / Abductee Cases – Part 1”, The Freedom Articles, October 22, 2015 –
Featured image credit:
By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness, July 19, 2016 –