I wrote the following for the 201st issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter.
To begin for this week – The creative spirit is all around, and connecting with it is our birthright.
Nature is one of the best places to become aware of it, because nature shows us what can happen when it’s given free reign. Humans carelessly destroy nature for personal gain because we don’t realize it is sacred. As a result, we have no compassion for it.
These days, it’s impossible for me not to notice the creative spirit in nature. Now that I’ve become aware of it, it’s impossible to miss because it radiates from every living thing.
I doubt we’ll ever physically see it; maybe we’ll perceive it in a higher consciousness but physical sight is probably impossible.
For now, being aware of it is enough to tap into it either during a creative session, when you’re in nature or when you need a reminder that there’s more to life than meets the eye.
Life has so much to show us, and the creative spirit we find in nature and in the midst of our work is one of its many gifts.
If we don’t open up to it now, we could miss the chance for creative and spiritual evolution and spend another few thousand years in a lower dimension until we do make the choice to become spiritually aware.
The creative spirit reveals itself to me through writing. I feel it a lot more in nature than I used to, but I’ve always been aware of it when working and I’ve always wanted to explore it.
In my opinion, the best way to do this is to work hard knowing that the work will pay off if you’re willing to integrate time with the creative spirit into your daily routine. It’ll help with your work while bringing you back in touch with your soul, which is the greatest gift one can receive.
If you meditate, it may become easier or you may sense more during a session. Higher vibrations may generally become easier to pick up on, because you’ll have connected with your creative essence and discovered through this power that you are one with Source.
I find that the spirit dwindles if you try to create from the mind alone. Even though it plays an important role in survival and spiritual evolution, it can become rigid and block your flow if you try too hard or all of your effort comes from the ego instead of the heart and intuition.
The mind could never solely help you find what you seek, but usually, you only need to calm it and open it for the spark to return. It helps to slow down your thoughts so you can be less mentally focused, and the more focused you are or the harder you try, the more distant you’ll feel from your goals.
A common mistake made by those who try to harness the creative spirit is the assumption that once they start flowing, the flow will continue steadily or even increase as they continue to work. I’m sure it happens this way for some, but it isn’t always my experience.
Sometimes, I move at a snail’s pace no matter how long I spend trying to engage the flow. Sometimes, I start out flowing and have to slow down because the thoughts stop pouring in or the spirit isn’t as accessible as it was at first.
This is necessary for the development of the creative spirit, and it’s one of many things that encourage us to slow down the mind and let the work happen at whatever pace it happens. They say ‘slow and steady wins the race’, and I find this to be true with my writing every day.
Creativity connects you with your soul and gives you a beginner’s course on higher states of consciousness, and I have a feeling that we never stop creating in these states.
We’ll always bring things into being from the Formless because it’s the purpose of our existence, and the things we create will become more magnificent as we continue to evolve.
I like to create writings out of the letters and symbols at my disposal, but I can only imagine what we’ll all create in higher dimensions.
We can prepare ourselves for the enhanced power we’ll one day enjoy by engaging our current level of talent and passion in any area of life.
Some spiritual teachers may believe words, symbols, music and art are distractions from cosmic consciousness simply because they’re embodiments of a higher vibration rather than being the vibration itself.
However, those who make this art experience a unique form of enlightenment unknown by those who criticize creativity as unproductive and irrelevant to spirituality.
Your spirituality is what you make it, and for many, creativity is the most important part.
This natural aspect of your being lives within and waits for you to be open to it and give it the mental space it requires, and when you struggle to bring it through, it’s usually because you’re trying too hard.
“If you set out to meditate it will not be meditation. If you set out to be good, goodness will never flower. If you cultivate humility, it ceases to be.
“Meditation is like the breeze that comes in when you leave the window open; but if you deliberately keep it open, deliberately invite it to come, it will never appear.” – J. Krishnamurti, The Only Revolution India, Part 6
Again, this is where an open mind and heart come in and the creative process will seem impossible without them.
If you struggle, remember that you’re capable of more than you know.
Also remember that part of the reason for your struggle (and the stress that comes with it) is that society discourages people like you and I from being creative and following our dreams.
Thus, we may feel an added weight or pressure; especially when we struggle to bring through anything significant. With a little openness, you’ll move past stumbling blocks with ease as you ready yourself for the next phase of your spiritual journey.
Creativity will probably be an important part of it, and in each dimension, you’ll learn how to create miracles out of empty space and grow closer with the Divine Mother – the greatest creative force in existence who’s extending a hand for those who are ready to find themselves in their own enlightenment.
By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness, June 13, 2016 – https://tinyurl.com/zm3sjpg