My understanding of creativity’s role in the evolution of the soul has shifted in the past few days. I’ve sensed for a while that creativity is intrinsically linked with spiritual evolution because it connects one with a higher consciousness, but until now, my understanding has been vague.
Many readers know I enjoy reggae music, and I recently read an interview with Ziggy Marley who mentioned that to his father Bob, creativity was life.
Bob left behind an impressive catalog of music despite that his life and his fame were tragically cut short, because he worked hard at his music to the point that he sacrificed his wellbeing.
I’m not suggesting anyone overwork themselves, but when you follow your passion, hard work doesn’t bother you. It inspires you.
Connecting to the Grid with Creative Work
Something profound became clear recently when I was thinking about creativity as a way of life: when you create something and you’re passionate about it, you connect to a spiritual power grid that comes straight from God, Source, or whatever you want to call this omnipotent force.
For Bob Marley, music was a spiritual thing that was as much a part of his religion as anything else. He was well aware of the power of Jah (aka God), and he may have felt that this was the force responsible for his work and he was simply an instrument.
If you work nearly as hard as he did at something you’re passionate about – and especially if your purpose in doing so is positive – the creative flow will elevate your consciousness and bring you into a state of oneness with Source.
You’ll connect with an uplifting and inspiring source of energy that fuels creativity and motivates you to approach life openheartedly, and even when the world tries to bring you down, the love and good vibes that’ll overflow from within will keep you strong.
The Effortless Flow
With an open mind and heart, challenges that were once difficult or intimidating will seem to require less effort. Even if they seem to require more, you’ll be happy to push yourself a little because you’ll know the result is worth the extra effort.
Any writer will tell you that they don’t really feel like they’re making an effort when they can maintain a steady creative flow. Just like Bob or any dedicated artist who comes to the creative well every day, they become an instrument for a higher consciousness and creative work becomes effortless.
They no longer struggle to create, because they no longer feel personally responsible for what they create.
They understand that creativity comes not from the mind but the heart and intuition, and thus, they remain open to a higher guiding force during their sessions and they remember to relax if they become too mind-centered.
They understand that being calm and open to the flow is the best way to generate something genuine, and most of the time, they welcome struggle because it humbles them and reminds them that the flow isn’t always steady.
Sometimes you have to struggle to connect with the spiritual power grid. However, when you finally succeed it’ll feel a hundred times better than if you didn’t have to struggle at all.
Nothing Is Required
You hear a lot in the conscious community about the power of psychedelics to expand consciousness and the power of softer entheogens like cannabis to enhance creativity, and the best thing about this grid of higher-vibrational energy is that you don’t need anything outside of yourself to connect with it.
I recommend experimenting with your consciousness and learning from the sacred teacher plants if you feel you should, but connecting with this creative part of you on a long term basis requires little more than meditation and creating things through the mind, heart and intuition.
Psychedelics are crucial to the soul’s evolution, and a positive psychedelic experience could very well enhance creativity for the rest of one’s life. We shouldn’t discard the teacher plants, because they too hold the key to transformation.
However, to rely solely on them for creativity (or even enlightenment to an extent) is to disregard your own natural creative/spiritual wellspring, which can be activated through the use of psychedelics but doesn’t have to be.
It’s not ideal to rely solely on anything for creativity or enlightenment, but by all means, use what nature has given.
A Natural Creative Force
It’s difficult to advise anyone on the best way to access the power grid, because we all get there differently. Some might not require the use of psychedelics or anything external at all, whereas others may benefit greatly from them and would encourage them for everyone.
My experiences have taught me that this is a natural creative force we can bring through ourselves in any moment whether or not we alter our perception with something external. You might struggle to bring it through sometimes, but nevertheless, it’s always there and always trying to help us grow.
You’ll connect with your intuitive voice when you tap into the grid, and this voice will provide even more inspiration and creative power by imparting into you a clear picture of what you want to create. Then, you’ll simply copy what you see, feel or sense in your mind.
If you write, you may start to feel like you’re dictating guidance from beings in high places – which are really higher aspects of your own consciousness. Your creative power will be revealed as you become open to previously inaccessible knowledge, and you too may credit your work to a higher consciousness.
You can open up to Source through the power of the written word, the power of sound and music or any other form of art that enlivens you.
It’s up to you to commit to something you enjoy that can bring your awareness back to your creative power, because society will discourage you from pursuing your purpose. In fact, society will make it seem impossible.
With dedication and the willingness to keep the mind open and calm when you’d rather hurry through what you’re doing or rush achievements you aren’t ready for, miracles will manifest through you and your inherently spiritual power will be undeniable.
You’ll have the power grid to thank for it, and you’ll drink from it daily as you share its gifts with those who are just beginning to rediscover it.
By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness, June 6, 2016 –