How interesting that a process so intimate as sexuality could, in the Third Dimension, have been so debased.
I don’t mean debased in terms of actions. I mean debased in terms of energy. Low vibrational.
I guess I also mean debased in terms of understanding.
The sexuality we created in the Third Dimension, which was promoted and harnessed by business, shaped by the cabal and its media, conditioned into us by the most indirect and sometimes illicit of means, would never have worked if it had continued another hundred years.
Speak of being unable to solve a problem at the level at which it was created, I’d like to suggest that we would never have solved the Third-Dimensional problem that our sexual practices brought couples, acting from the level of Third Dimensionality itself. It would be like trying to run through water. There’s neither momentum nor freedom of action. We soon give up and go with the flow. And the flow wasn’t headed in a very useful direction.
Debasement of women. Push towards more and more extremity. Worship of evil.
Ensuring that the role of women remains as cynosures or objects of gaze. All eyes are admiringly on the woman. And so women spend a great percentage of their income pursuing that look.
Sexuality itself remains a closely-patterned ritual whose attraction quickly falls away. The love that we feel from our intimacy is genuine but quickly overwhelmed by regrets about the past, the cares of the day, and anxieties about the future – in other words, Third-Dimensional density overwhelms what love we feel. There’s no foothold here, no strong ground to build on.
The Divine Mother has called upon us – you and I – to create a new paradigm of sacred union. We see what went wrong in Third Dimensionality. On what shall we base the new model?
I can only say what I would base it on. I would base it on the distinction of forever leaving the Third-Dimensional love state which I call “ordinary love” and forever entering into the Fourth/Fifth-Dimensional love state which I call “transformative love.”
In ordinary love, the circumstances impact the love. We feel love until we feel irritated or angry or offended. Then love yields.
In transformative love, the love transforms the circumstances. We feel transformative love and anger or irritation can’t get near us. Any thought that wanders in is incinerated in the love.
Recently Jesus through John Smallman gave an exact description of its residence in our hearts and the importance of our inviting and accessing it:
“As you read this, allow yourselves to sink into the center-most point of your being where Love shines brilliantly and resiliently in every moment. You mostly remain unaware of It because you allow doubts and anxieties to rule your thought processes.
“Going deeply within at least once daily is absolutely essential for your well-being, so do not neglect or forget to do so, and as you do open with certainty to the abundance of Love that resides there within you awaiting your unconditional acceptance of It.
“It is always there for you, but It does not force or impose Itself on you. Love is infinitely powerful and infinitely gentle. That probably seems like a paradox to most of you, but it is the Truth, because there is nothing else!
“Love only seems not to be present within you because you have all, at some stage, been led to believe that you are unworthy, and so you do not believe that you will find It within you. Release those invalid and insane beliefs.”
His words are so exact. Yes, love exists in abundance in the heart, awaiting us. Yes, love does not force itself upon us but, allowed in, it proves a staunch defender of the sacred bond we have with it.
However, as long as this remains only intellectual knowledge with us, we don’t really “get it.” Not down to our bones.
Love so strong that it can sweep aside anger and hatred is what’s required to make sacred union work, I believe. I would never have seen this years ago, but I see it now.
And not just transformative love on the side of one partner and ordinary love being returned. Or, worse, nothing at all being returned. Even a day’s rain cannot make of the desert a watered plain.
Transformative love from both partners. That for me would be sacred union. And it’s coming.
(1) “Jesus via John Smallman: You Are All Beautiful Beings of Intense Light!,” May 23, 2016, at