Folks, there are discussions going on currently that say that the rates for the Zim are astronomical, the Dong extremely generous, etc.
Tomorrow’s discussion with Archangel Michael will cover the topic of why claims like these are being made.
AAM denies that the rates for the Zim or Dong will be so extraordinary. If the discussions were not going on in several places, I’d wait till tomorrow.
But, because they are and will probably excite people, let me post this extract, verifying what I just said, and leave the rest for tomorrow:
Steve: Will the sovereign rates be offered in Canada?
AAM: If they are offered, they will be offered everywhere.
Steve: Are they really as generous as is being discussed currently – thousands of dollars per Zim?
AAM: No.
Steve: Why are people talking about that as if they are? What’s behind that, Lord?
AAM: Understand that there are still various fragments that have been involved, some with the best of intentions and some with disruptive intentions, in this process. (1)
So, please, in this as in everything, don’t be swept away in discussions of wildly-generous rates. People in unbalanced states, in my experience, make unwise decisions. And we’ll need our balance and wisdom to navigate the waters we’re soon to enter.
(1) Archangel Michael to Steve Beckow in a personal reading through Linda Dillon, May 27, 2016. Used with permission.