A lot of concern is being generated around “global warming.”
Can we look at what our sources say about the matter?
David Suzuki defined global warming in this way:
“We have released so much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that our planet’s atmosphere is now like a thick, heat-trapping blanket. By disrupting the atmospheric balance that keeps the climate stable, we are now seeing extreme effects around the globe. It’s like a thermostat that’s gone haywire — it just doesn’t work the way it should. The result: the climate changes, and it gets warmer. Extreme weather events also become more common.” (1)
We know many “extreme weather events” to have been caused by the High Altitude Auroral Research Project (HAARP) and other weather-control technologies.
Control was for the purpose of promoting the cabal’s agenda of global domination through weather warfare, what the cabal called “owning the weather.” These extreme weather events included earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and so on.
HAARP has now been shut down. I asked Archangel Michael to confirm this in a personal reading I had through Linda Dillon on Aug. 6, 2013:
Steve Beckow: XX would like to know if HAARP has been deactivated.
Archangel Michael: Yes, it has. (2)
Again, because this is a matter that concerns people, let me add what the planetary logos, Sanat Kumara, said on the subject that same year.
Steve Beckow: if I could get you to comment, please, on … whether HAARP has been decommissioned or neutralized.
Sanat Kumara: HAARP has been decommissioned, as you would think of it. (3)
It’s been primarily Matthew Ward who discusses global warming, with a few references made by SaLuSa of Sirius. In 2008, Matthew told us that “while it is definitely so that the current use of fossil fuels is not healthy for your environment and their extraction is not healthy for Earth’s planetary body, the scientific controversy about global warming is a waste of energy.” (4)
Elsewhere he repeated that “ongoing arguments are pointless. “
“‘Global warming’ due to humankind’s willful neglect, ignorance and denial absolutely is real, to be sure, but the melting of polar ice, record-breaking temperature extremes and other weather anomalies are Earth’s steps toward returning to a moderate climate globally, the way it was when the entire planet was ‘the garden of Eden.’” (5)
And again:
“Melting glaciers and icebergs and weather anomalies are paving the way to a favorable climate globally, to the restoration of barren lands so they can become arable again and the end of both the hottest and the polar regions.” (6)
He gave more detail in another message:
“What are commonly known as ‘global warming’ and ‘El Nino’ are part of Earth’s natural processes to return to her original moderate climate everywhere.
“While she is achieving this, glaciers will melt, the vast deserts will become arable, rain forests will flourish, and variations in temperatures will markedly decrease. Ultimately, everyplace in your world will be comfortably habitable.
“Peoples now living in the coldest or the hottest climes will adapt.” (7)
In 2010, Matthew explained how self-serving interests were drawing attention away from the pollution that humans were causing and arguing that cyclical climate change was natural.
“This controversial issue not only is an integral part of the stalled economic situation, it is a prime example of how duality still is affecting your world – the self-serving interests vs. the interests of the masses and of Earth herself.
“Scientists who claim that climate change is a natural cyclical happening and not of humankind’s making are ignoring the fact that never before has the planet been plagued with the manmade toxic pollution that exists today.” (8)
No scientists suspect that Gaia has had to rid herself of the negativity humans cause.
“Major climate changes have occurred before, when Earth had to rid herself of the negativity created by her human residents’ behaviors, but none of your scientists on either side of the global warming fence knows about that cause and effect.” (9)
The scientists are willingly aiding the cabal, he asserts.
“The ones who are expressing alarm about melting glaciers and record-breaking temperatures are doing so from genuine concern for future generations, whereas those who pooh-pooh the need to curtail polluting are willingly abetting the self-serving ones who profit handsomely from the many processes that cause pollutants.
“When you add to those sources the deliberate rain of toxins via chemtrails, the toxic waste in landfills, and unsafely stored radioactive materials, it is overwhelmingly clear that nothing in your world has escaped humankind’s negligence, at the very least, and criminal contamination at worst.
“You who are familiar with these messages know that Earth’s restoration to her original Eden self includes the polar and tropical temperature extremes giving way to what ultimately will be a moderate climate worldwide.” (10)
(To be concluded tomorrow.)
(1) “What is climate change?” at David Suzuki Foundation, at https://tinyurl.com/jsvmfuc
(2) Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, personal reading for Steve Beckow, August 6, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/haarp-chemtrails-and-depleted-uranium-all-neutralized-or-gone/.
(3) “Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013, https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/05/sanat-kumara-many-of-you-have-already-ascended-and-straddle-dimensions/.
(4) Matthew’s Messages, Oct. 22, 2008, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.
(5) Ibid., May 12, 2013.
(6) Ibid., Oct. 22, 2008.
(7) Ibid., “Essay on 2012,” Dec. 31, 2007.
(8) Ibid., Jan. 11, 2010.
(9) Loc cit.
(10) Loc. cit.