Archangel Michael said something rather startling in 2014:
“You do not know the full range of players who are involved in the discordance in the Ukraine. Now, if you are looking for cabals or secret missions behind all of this, what we would suggest is that it is not so much that as a very complicated, complex strategy, both above and below, to bring this idea of military interference, invasion, conflict, absorption of other people’s freedoms, to the forefront.
“But within that mix, your star brothers and sisters are involved, we [celestials] are involved. There is what we can only call a very unbalanced group – not just unbalanced politically but spiritually and emotionally unbalanced – on both sides of this undertaking.
“And then there are the various layers of one-upmanship that are being played out in this reality. In many ways what you are seeing, to even make it more simple, is a replay, a coming to the surface of all the issues of what you have termed the cold war that were never resolved.” (1)
We only see the outrageous military actions. Not even the white-hat military players on the ground see what the celestials see.
As in the external world, so in the internal world. A lot of the disagreements people are having, I think, are also designed to resolve “the cold war” in relationships, partnerships, associations, etc., by raising these feelings to the surface so that they become accessible.
Accessible to what? It’s my suspicion, from watching myself, that feelings raised to surface consciousness can be reached by the gamma rays we’re being showered in and released. I don’t believe that feelings buried in the unconscious and subconscious are available for release. I think that that situation reflects the Law of Freewill as much as it does the Law of Attraction.
It’s our freewill choice to resist the truth, to keep our hearts closed, and do the other things that keep us from progressing.
Sue Lie says that gamma rays are alive and will respect our choice not to receive them:
“The gamma waves are penetrating your atmosphere, your reality, and your physical body.” (2)
“Gamma rays are alive. … Light is alive. And especially gamma rays. … Gamma rays are intelligent waves. They will respect the barrier.” (3)
David Wilcock put our choices succinctly:
“The galactic wave specifically seems to be part of an intelligent design that energetically pushes us to the next level. And it really is a question for everyone of whether you’re harmonizing with the change or not.” (4)
If we carry 150 extra pounds and try to climb stairs, we’ll quickly discover that we’re not harmonizing with our circumstances. Instead, we’ll feel severely limited in what we can accomplish.
Similarly, carrying our old resentments (our “cold war”), suppressing ourselves in unworkable relationships, and communicating in ways that create conflict are like carrying 150 extra pounds. They weigh us down and probably make it difficult and, in extreme cases (among people unaware of the consciousness shift), make us unable to enjoy the shift.
Our barriers to ascending are being removed by the higher energies at a social as well as a personal level. From my experiences with bliss, I know the efficacy of the higher vibrations, providing we open to them, to utterly dissipate unwanted feelings. I’m aware of their power.
But the assignment we’re given is to eliminate those barriers early so we can serve as a vanguard for others to prepare for Ascension and follow the path that we’ve just blazed.
(1) “Archangel Michael: It is Time to Relinquish Any Feeling Less Than Love – Part 2/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, Sept 2, 2014, at
(2) “Straight Talk on Ascension – Part 3. By Suzanne Lie,” January 26, 2016.
(3) “Transcript: Sue Lie and the Arcturians on Gamma Waves, the Ascension Energies,” Feb. 22, 2016, at
(4) David Wilcock, interview with George Noory, Oct. 6, 2009, Coast to Coast AM, at