Cannabis is good for the mind, body and spirit. The propaganda routinely aimed at it is intended to demonize it and diminish its value, but despite that we’re finally seeing through the lies, we’ve only decoded a fraction of the mystery behind this phenomenal plant.
Now that people are realizing it isn’t the menace it’s made out to be, they’re standing up for it and raising awareness of the ridiculousness of the laws surrounding it and the fact that the laws need to change so we can utilize everything this plant has to give.
People of every generation are doing the research, thinking for themselves and changing their perspective on a plant that’s been demonized for the purpose of profit and the suppression of our right to use what nature has provided.
They’re working hard to raise awareness in hopes of reaching those who are still in the dark about what cannabis can do, and they’re prepared to take criticism because they know it’s inevitable when standing up for something society doesn’t accept.
Cannabis is liberating the minds of people everywhere who used to think it was a dangerous drug but are now realizing that even though it isn’t for everyone, it drastically improves the quality of life for many people who use it.
No matter what ails them, cannabis helps them with their pain and, from a spiritual perspective, introduces them to meditation in the process.
It gives them access to higher states of consciousness wherein the duality with which we’re so fascinated (good and bad, right and wrong, love and hate, etc.) come together to form pure oneness, and this state of being isn’t as easy to maintain with natural meditation.
Many users don’t realize it, but the cannabis ‘high’ is a form of meditation that has multiple uses. It can be used to induce meditative sensations and visions if you let the mind rest, drift away, perhaps close your eyes and let the spirit reveal itself, or it can be used for creative inspiration.
If used to enhance creativity, it should be kept in mind that nothing, including cannabis, is required to be creative. If you start to rely on it, then it might be best to reconnect with your authentic, effortless creative side.
If you do, you’ll find that it can express itself through you in a flowing, natural way.
While it isn’t required, cannabis can stimulate creativity by opening the mind to a less distorted state of awareness and establishing a clear connection with God, the higher self, a spiritual guide; different people interpret the inner voice in different ways.
I like to think it’s a connection with God, but I can’t say for sure because I don’t know. I do know that it’s incredibly positive, helpful and nourishing, and I’ll continue to try to channel it into these writings.
Cannabis has helped a lot of people discover this peaceful yet vibrant inner space, and an open mind is all that’s required for a simple ‘high’ to become a transformative experience that educates your heart and brings you closer with your soul.
Here, we’ll explore some of the ways cannabis helps the mind, body and spirit. You could write report after report about it and still have more to write, and thanks to the growing awareness of its usefulness, new information is pouring in every day.
There’s so much information out there about a fascinating plant that, in my opinion, is important to the future of humanity, and I look forward to dissecting and discussing it all as it comes out.
According to the website Benefits of Marijuana, cannabis balances out the Autonomic Nervous System, creating a feeling of equilibrium. This alone contributes significantly to health, and if marijuana’s medicinal benefits weren’t enough, we can add psychological well-being to the list.
The body tends to alternate between two opposite modes of being, and remarkably, marijuana unites them. This contributes to the feeling of well-being, and again, it unites the polar opposites within us and creates spiritual balance as well as physical.
Cannabis unifies these different forces in the brain and body, but only temporarily, which is why it helps to learn oneness naturally.
(Article continued in part 2 tomorrow.)
Source embedded in article.
By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness, March 29, 2015 –