The Arcturian Group said recently:
“Dear Ones, welcome to a time when things seem the same for much of the world, but not for you who are awakening.
“Many of you are beginning to have new and unusual experiences as well as deeper insights that the others are unaware of. Keep on keeping on for evolution is moving toward a new Earth and a new state of consciousness for those who choose.” (1)
I certainly am having “new and unusual experiences as well as deeper insights.” I’m going through very strange spaces at the moment.
I recently repaired my MacBook Air so that the flash video player now worked and I had an evening off.
Why not go over to Youtube and watch a movie? I asked myself. Three hours later, I could not find one movie that interested me. Nothing. De nada.
I even tried to watch Biblical movies but they were so dualistic and violent, I couldn’t watch them.
I had to admit to myself that there was nothing entertaining I wanted to watch on Youtube. I turned off the TV, so to speak.
There wasn’t anything else I wanted to do either. I realized that I was feeling totally done with every sensory sensation, every earthly adventure, every sight to see on Earth. Totally complete, but with an overtone of wanting to retch if I was obliged to consume more, possess more, eat more, etc.
I am totally done with the old Third Dimension and its ways. I declare it.
For me this is a milestone because it represents me letting go of the Third even though I have no conscious knowledge of what lies ahead.
The first law of wingwalking is not to let go of the branch behind until you’ve gotten a firm grip on the branch ahead.
But I’m letting go of the branch behind (the Third Dimension), and I haven’t got a firm grip on the branch ahead (the Fifth Dimension). So this is a walk of faith.
I have indications of what lies ahead and they’re uniformly good – the destination seems loving, blissful, trustworthy, noble. All signs point to a safe landing. And so I’m not worried.
But mildly apprehensive of just holding it all together and not coming off looking like too big a fool, because I’m at the pointy end of the spear. The hazard of the trade for a lightworker wayshower is to fall flat on his face from not knowing … well, very much really … in the new surroundings.
Fortunately seeing that comes at a time when I’m feeling largely satiated with all our human culture has to offer anyways. Interesting how the two converged like that.
In the absence of the desire for any sensation, I now feel drawn to meditate. There’s nothing left for me to do in terms of accomplishment, wishes, or obligation.
No, I’m not going anywhere. Yes, I’ll continue to write. But I am going to follow the flow where it goes. Fifth Dimension is as Fifth Dimension does. Fifth Dimension flows.
(1) “The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele,” March 20, 2016, at