Steve is on holiday. We post two articles from a week or two ago, previously unposted. First….
I’m in a strange position at the moment. I‘m in an energetic hiatus. Nothing is happening.
If anything I feel energyless, as if it’d be hard to lift an arm (metaphorically speaking). Apparently this lethargy is being caused by the increase in gamma rays hitting us at this time.
The Arcturians through Sue Lie told us recently that the increased flow of gamma rays is activating our “junk” DNA:
“In fact, now, the gamma waves are penetrating your atmosphere, your reality, and your physical body. …
“As the fifth dimensional Light continues to activate your 97% “junk” DNA, your body, your consciousness, and your perceptions will begin to calibrate to a higher frequency of Light. (1)
“Tiffany” told us recently that gamma rays, which she calls “cosmic rays,” are at a peak at this moment.
“For the past 11 months, neutron monitors around the Arctic Circle have sensed an increasing intensity of cosmic rays. … … However the intensification of cosmic rays is making itself felt not only over the poles, but also over lower latitudes where Earth’s magnetic field provides a greater degree of protection against deep space radiation. (
“You have FELT it, and now you have a graph showing you the increasingly intense cosmic, solar energy coming into Earth and us. This is what is initiating DNA upgrades and vibrational frequency increases in all of us and Earth. This is what is creating the shift from 3D to 5D due to the Earth’s Shumann Resonance increasing from this intense energy.
“As I have mentioned before in my Energy Reports, the energy is coming in more fast and furious than ever before with little down time for rest and integration between each shift.” (2)
One of the symptoms we’re feeling of these energies, she says, is lethargy:
“Aside from the symptoms I mentioned above, with these vibrational shifts we can experience the following physical symptoms in the coming days:
“* Lathargy [sic] as the pineal gland and melatonin production becomes over stimulated during shifts.” (3)
So I’m in good company, apparently. The increase in gamma rays over the last eleven months explains both the excursions into bliss and the sudden onset of lethargy.
I think it was the Arcturians who said recently that bliss can tire a person out. Hence we have to emerge into that state of being gradually, in what the Arcturians called ”stairsteps.”
Well, let me see if, inside this state of lethargy, I can arouse the bliss. When I take a deep breath and look for it, I feel a counter-tendency. It’s as if my body says “I’m too tired. Not tonight, huh, dear?”
Let me share and see what arises. In terms of awareness and experience, what was accomplished in 2015?
I certainly have been enabled to experience spaces I feel deeply privileged to have been in. I’m very grateful for all that’s gone on, really, since the heart opening of March 15, 2015. And I’m very conscious of the fact that certain people helped me achieve and enjoy this space. If you’re smiling right now, I mean you.
The year was hard in material respects but rich in internal experience.
The heart opening brought me into the flow of transformative love – love that sweeps away other feelings rather than being swept away by them, as with ordinary love.
I spent much of 2015 exploring love in all its dimensions. Then the Blood Moon Equinox brought a fresh and captivating wave of first bliss, then ecstacy, then (briefly) exaltation.
I was able to study the impact of those conditions on myself. I had better luck communicating my experience in writing than I did in face-to-face conversations. I really am a writer.
So much of what we read about historical sages was verified for me in my experience. For instance, all a sage wants to do is to tell people about his or her experience in the hopes that they might have it too.
Similarly, when in bliss or ecstacy, all I wanted to do was to tell others and have others join me. When in these states, there’s nothing else to talk about except these states because they’re so … exceptional, attention-grabbing, delicious, all-consuming. Enlightened people become teachers of enlightenment. Nothing else seems to matter.
It’d be the same for a test pilot who just flew a plane so fast that all he could talk about for the rest of the day was what it felt like.
Whooosh! WOW! What was that!
So I got to see that I was doing the same as all the folks I used to read about decades ago – the saints and sages; what we now call ascended masters.
Ah, now bliss comes. I’m ready to switch off the light and bliss slips into the room. Where have you been, dear? I was worried about you.
Bliss came when I was nearly finished this article. By then I had been writing about my space for some time. I think that, by writing about my internal state at this moment, I cleared a space for bliss to come up and raised my vibration at the same time. That having been said, I still feel energyless and the bliss I feel is mild but welcome.
(1) “Straight Talk on Ascension – Part 3. By Suzanne Lie,” January 26, 2016.
(2) “Solar Alert – (DNA Upgrade In The Offing) January 28th – 30th, 2016,” at
(3) Loc. cit.