The plan for Disclosure has changed since the days of mass flyovers. So as not to scare the population or excite opposition from the cabal, the galactics have kept a lower profile than in years past.
Nonetheless, as Archangel Michael says Disclosure is underway and galactics are on-planet in numbers awaiting acceptance of the galactic presence and the beginning of our work together building a new world.
How is Disclosure proceeding?
Archangel Michael: Disclosure is very close and it is already underway. (1)
When all is in place, you and the Earth will be ready to receive the first official visits from us, and it will be a time of celebration. Be assured that from our point of view everything is ready for our arrival, and nothing will stop it from happening. So we tell you about the wondrous future for mankind so as to boost your expectations. Of course we ask you to exercise patience, as no events will manifest until the time is perfectly right, but our promises will be kept. (2)
AAM: They are making themselves more visible in real and portrayed ways. It matters not. What they are doing is readying the human populace for their presence in everyday life.
Not simply as a sighting. Not simply as a collective of starships gathering on the horizon. But simply in the visibility of them in the sky, on the planet, in the stores, in government, in every single way.
You have been invited to join with them in a sacred union of Gaians and Intergalactics and Galactics and so they are making sure that you are ready for that role. (3)
Things are starting to get exciting.
Mira the Pleiaidian: Do we have the ground crew rounded up and paying attention to all that is happening right now on the Earth? Perk up your ears and watch your skies because there will be much more coming your way to show you that we are with you.
We timed the flight [earlier mentioned] so that you would be made aware of our efforts to comfort you and excite you with our presence and our participation in the unfolding events. (4)
I see that you regularly park a light ship over our local airport. Can you tell me, are you hoping the pilots see it?
Sanat Kumara: Oh, the pilots see us all the time. … This is what we mean by a public secret. There are very few pilots that you would talk to, in casual conversation, that would not say that they had seen an ‘unexplained flying object’ that is either accompanying them or zooming by them or that they had seen on a night approach or a day approach.
So, we are visible, it is just not overly visible. So, this is part of the quiet Disclosure until it becomes second nature. (5)
And then the pilots will say, ‘oh, we’ve been seeing these for years’.
Sanat Kumara: That is correct. That is correct. So, there are certain groups of people that are being honed to be the voice of quiet and calm and the pilots are one of them and the entire staff that work particularly on airlines.
So that is the divine decision regarding Disclosure. But I encourage you, my brothers and sisters. Go quiet, call your star brothers in. Meet with them. Talk to them. Visit the ships one by one, but your time is close. (7)
What is the current thinking on Disclosure as an event, rather than a process?
Sanat Kumara: There was a decision conjunct with your star brothers and sisters and what you can think of as the Company of Heaven, the Council of Love, this side, that was undertaken, oh, in your time probably about a couple of years ago, that the wide display that you see in your night skies of all the ships, and some of you see them in the daytime as well, would not be what you can think of as a ‘grand event.’
There would not be a parade of spaceships down Main Street or on the White House lawn or on the Kremlin lawn. There would be an integration of what we have termed ‘boots on the ground’ of star beings who have come to the planet and who are integrating into your societal framework, and very diligently, for you especially Steve, this is good news, working on the anchoring of Nova Earth and Nova Being.
They are high-being transmitters, communicators, and anchors for this energy so that there becomes, what you can think of as a new normal. So Disclosure as a main event? No. The quiet awakening to Disclosure that we are not alone. Yes. And that is already well underway. (8)
That’s a change, isn’t it? You flew over Lima in great numbers and Mexico City, London, and New York, but after that you abandoned it, is that correct?
Sanat Kumara: Because of the reactive nature, not so much of the populace who were by and large excited, but about the National Guard reactions. (9)
Be assured that once the situation on Earth is settled and we can freely move amongst you, we will be openly making contact. Our plans are made and ready to be put into action, so – as you would say – once “the coast is clear” we will be able to commence our work with you immediately. (10)
Why have the galactics not come before now?
Because of the fear factor among the general populace, … your star family was hesitant to make themselves known. Because they did not wish to contribute, and will not contribute, to the mayhem and chaos upon sweet Gaia.
Now, they also did not wish to create a situation, which was very clearly threatened, where those with warheads and other offensive weapons would be targeting them.
They are not in danger of ever being annihilated by a nuclear warhead, a sound transmission, an energy, or an electromagnetic field.
But the danger has been that those nuclear warheads are being observed by humans and that that would increase the fear factor. (11)
Tomorrow we’ll look at some of the fears that terrestrials have and how the galactics are working with these.
(Continued in Part 2.)
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 11, 2015.
(2) SaLuSa, May 29, 2015.
(3) Archangel Michael, ibid.
(4) Mira of the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner: November 9, 2015. at
(5) “Transcript: Sanat Kumara – We Override Those who Want to Hurt by Anchoring Greater Peace Within – Part 2/2,” February 25, 2015, at
(6) Loc. cit.
(7) Loc. cit.
(8) Loc. cit.
(9) Loc. cit.
(10) SaLuSa, Feb. 27, 2015, at
(11) Archangel Michael, ibid.