In the last part of this article, I looked at the impact of approaching life in unworkable ways, creating issues or vasanas, bands of muscular tension in the body, illness and disease, and so on. And I looked at what purification involves.
Today I’d like to look at how all of this fits into the Divine Plan.
There’s a literature on the Divine Plan in the Library/Archives under “Spiritual Essays” so anyone interested in going further with the exploration can do so. And there are also the First Contact, From Darkness Unto Light, and New Maps of Heaven wikis that have a great deal of channeled or terrestrial material on the subject. See here.
My statement of the Divine Plan comes as a result of a spiritual experience I had on February 13, 1987. For a synopsis of it, see here.
That vision experience, which lasted around eight seconds but took place outside of time as we know it, showed the entire cycle of an individual soul from God to God.
Following the vision I spent ten years reading only the works of enlightened masters and then a second ten years creating the wiki From Darkness Unto Light, based on what I saw and read.
Building on all I learned from that, I’d state the Divine Plan in the following way. God wished to experience itself. Being all there is does not make that an easy task.
The Plan that was conceived was to create an imaginary world and people it with divine sparks or fragments of God in his aspect of what we conventionally call “the Father.”
His aspect as “the Father” remained still and silent, a void to our senses. And so he created an illusory aspect which we conventionally call “the Mother,” which was all movement and sound.
The Mother created an equally illusory world for the divine sparks to live in and gave the sparks a form or body to inhabit that would allow them to interact with their illusory environment
These three figures – Father, Mother, and Child – are what Christians know as (note the change in order) the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost and what Hindus know as the Trinity of Brahman, Atman, and Shakti.
The Father created this world so that his illusory offspring could realize their true identity as God. Each time one of them realized it, God met God. The purpose of creating life was achieved.
Starting from levels of evolution that we regard as insensate, insentient, etc., the divine sparks moved up through the plant kingdom to the animal kingdom and finally to the human realm. Their advancement eventually began to be governed by their unfolding spiritual realization of who they are.
Reaching the human level of evolution, they began to have experiences of what we call “enlightenment.” As we’ve indicated, for these meetings of God and God was this whole illusory world created.
I like to cite Bayazid of Bistun’s descriptions of his enlightenment to typify this meeting: “I went from God to God, until they cried from me in me, ‘O thou I!'” (1) I don’t think the experience could be evoked better.
God had the pleasure of meeting him/her/itself. And we have the pleasure of a seemingly separate existence eventually as companions to God.
To summarize this Plan, we could say that the illusory world, along with its illusory beings, was created to give God the pleasure of meeting itself in a moment of our enlightenment.
World upon world, universe upon universe, dimension upon dimension was created to fulfill this desire of God to know itself.
We are embarked on an entirely new adventure. We are pioneers and explorers in the creation of a new dimension of existence.
Previously if one wanted to ascend to the Mental Plane or Fifth Dimension, we either had a realization while living called Sahaja Samadhi or else progressed through the spirit realms to the Mental Plane (or Fifth Dimension). Either way, entry came upon the death of the physical body.
But we are ascending while physically alive through the transmutation of our carbon-based physical bodies to crystalline-based light bodies (or Merkebahs).
That makes the conclusion inevitable that the space we’re ascending into is entirely new. So here we are, the epitome of novelty in God’s universe, ascending into a space that wasn’t even in existence before, as Archangel Michael indicated to me in 2015.
Steve Beckow: Is this new? Is the realm that we’re building and taking our physical bodies with us to altogether new?
Archangel Michael: Yes, it is brand new.
Steve: … Brand new, and the rules have changed?
AAM: That is correct. (2)
This demonstrates to us the plastic and malleable nature of the world that God the Mother creates, if she can introduce an entirely new domain when it suites her purposes.
This is how individuation, purification, evolution, and Ascension fit into the Divine Plan.
(1) Bayazid of Bistun in PP, 12.
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 16, 2015.