All (Monday) morning I felt queazy in my stomach, saddened, not depressed, because I don’t go down that far any more.
But saddened at the loss in Paris and the sorry position of France itself, with its borders closed, etc.
And then, after reading Ben Fulford and Cosmic Awareness, I suddenly felt peace descend (or rise) again.
It might not be clear to many in France, distraught over what has just happened to their country and what the immediate future appears to hold, but I see our determination not to be whipped into a frenzy or to engage in Muslim-bashing as our best contribution to the situation right now.
There’ll probably be a moment of disconnect for the cabal when they see that their actions cannot stir the world into fear and anger the way they have in the past. At that moment the cabal itself will feel fear and perhaps the first hint of contrition at all the hideous deeds they’ve done.
All nations with imperialistic designs have used false-flag attacks to herd the population toward civil control or to start a war. And, in the past, the populace has remained unaware of the manner in which they’re being herded.
Not any longer.
Through the plethora of lightworker blogs that have arisen on the Internet, the truth is getting out there, sometimes the same day as the false-flag event. And that has an effect on the collective consciousness.
We lightworkers and lightholders have learned to work through the collective consciousness. Our remaining peaceful, I think, has an inordinate impact on the world’s consciousness. Our conscious actions add to the impact the energies are having.
In past years, if one remained peaceful when the nation seemed under attack, it would raise ire and bring charges of treason. But, as Cosmic Awareness has said, Wave X has shifted the world’s consciousness and I expect our remaining peaceful will now be accepted.
Our collective response to events is bringing many more lightworker activities to our awareness. I’d never heard of such blogs as the State of the Nation or the Activist Post. Dozens are carrying reports on the Paris Massacre. This is providing common cause for lightworkers, bringing them together.
Our choosing to remain peaceful is not lethargy, a lack of compassion, a “who cares?” attitude. It’s a positive action, a counterweight, and the thing the cabal fears the most.
We’re determined to create a peaceful world and the cabal has handed us this opportunity to communicate that message to them. You will not stampede us. You will no longer herd us. We’re no longer sheeple. We’re a world at work building a world at peace. Come join us. Love will prevail.
I remind this generation that another generation placed flowers in the muzzles of raised military rifles.
I cannot pass by this event without reminding folks that, in the past – especially on 9/11 – innocent Muslims have been condemned for something they did not do. Here again we hear reports of shouts of “Allahu Akbar” and we’re expected to respond in kneejerk fashion, blaming Muslims.
Let’s join with our Muslim brothers and sisters on this occasion to reject that cabal-desired outcome. Muslims were never to blame for 9/11 or for this attack. It’s our own governments who promote Islamophobia as a smoke screen to cover their nefarious acts and as a strategy to divide and conquer. Now’s the day to show the cabal that we know that and that it won’t work any more.