The cosmic energies presently hitting the Earth are coming first from the Father/Mother One, then through the Central Sun, then through the galactic center, aided and shaped by countless higher beings until it reaches us, its intended beneficiaries.
They’re reshaping us, uplifting us, and opening us up.
They’re taking us far beyond the ability to love of past generations. And so we’re having to expand our paradigms to take in the newly-opening vistas.
One paradigm we must expand is that of Rene Descartes: (1) I think; therefore, I am, he said.
But thoughts are associated with the mind. The mind is a temporary device, suitable to the lower dimensions, but not at all vital to the higher or to who we are.
Descartes’ assertion took the ball some yards down the field by putting a dent in empirical materialism.
That’s the philosophy that only what can be seen, heard, touched and felt is real. Thought was not directly observable, certainly not in his time, so his statement let the first ray of sunlight into the closed space of the materialist view the universe.
Now it’s time to let more light in, to illuminate what is a dark room.
It’s time for a new paradigm. I assert that that new paradigm is: I love; therefore, I am.
Without love, there is no “me.” A friend asked me if we were just illusions and I had to say, “Yes. Only God is real.”
Withdraw God’s love from the omniverse, and it all goes – you me, the galaxies, the universes, everything. All that remains is all that ever was: God. So yes, we are illusions living out a dream in the mind of the One.
I wonder if the Creator did not say in the beginning: “Let there be love. And there was love.” There’s nothing else here but love formed into imaginary shapes and romancing itself. Sometimes disputing; sometimes joining; sometimes separating.
Each day, as the energy has mounted, I watched myself let more and more of it fill up my body. I relaxed my conditioned need to remain aware, cautious, on guard, and let love fill every niche in me. Today it was my head. I let love into the area of my field of awareness associated with the head. And when I did, I felt the bliss of a completed energy circuit.
I’m not interested in playing with notions like enlightenment. I simply want to be here now and serve. But the bliss was wonderful and repaid me for days and days of hard work.
Left to another day: I am; therefore, I love.
But for now: I love; therefore, I am.
Whatever else you do or don’t do, let love fill you up today.
(1) 1596-1650.