I’d like to share some excerpts from my personal reading with Archangel Michael on Sept. 16.
I have to cloak some of the details so as not to offend anyone, but the “moral of the story,” if you like, is really all I’m wanting to communicate. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
On any remaining lightworker addiction to drama and deception, Archangel Michael said:
“This is not coming from a place of judgment but, if the collective is going to complete this Ascension process, which as I have said to you is well underway, you cannot have those who are speaking or appear to speak or hold themselves out to be speaking in the name of the Lord, in the name of One, to be engaged in subterfuge and drama. It is not acceptable!
“There are many light workers still who say that they are completely committed but to some extent, … they are engaged in drama or [act out of] their own need for profile.”
For me that says that anyone involved in any form of service to the Divine Mother, which is the same as to say the Lord, the One, can no longer carry out their service in the careless, low-vibrational way that we once did. Lies and acting out are no longer acceptable from us as lightworkers. Archangel Michael has just raised the bar.
Engaging in drama means we still need the kind of high that comes from swings into the territory of excitement and then into the territory of pain. Excitement and pain are how some of us know we’re alive. But it isn’t acceptable any more, according to him.
Drama means we’re prone to stray from the center and Archangel Michael, in my opinion, is telling us: It’s now imperative that we remain grounded, balanced, and centered.
Don’t think this isn’t as huge a challenge for me as it may be for anyone else. It is. But I hear that it’s time.
Engaging out of a need to create a high profile for ourselves is, I fear, a little more common than many may think. I often get email from people claiming to be an avatar.
A genuine avatar would never lay claim to being an avatar. Sri Ramakrishna would feign ignorance if someone said he was an avatar. Then he’d be heard muttering to himself: “This rascal has found me out.” (1) When I asked Jesus if he was an avatar on An Hour with an Angel, he said, as I’d expect, that he doesn’t like to talk about subjects like that. (2)
Laying claim to being an avatar is a sure sign that one is not. But that’s just one example of wanting a high profile.
If we as lightworkers are in influential positions, handling large flows of money or offering other services to others, and we still need validation, then I think that we leave ourselves open to manipulation.
As the energies increase dramatically at this time, we’re being asked to allow the bar to be raised and accept it.
I certainly feel more expanded than I did even a month ago. I’m willing to move with the raising of the bar.
Thank you for allowing me to discuss the matter with you.
I’d like to write a second piece on how our currently-held beliefs will in no way allow us to understand what’s happening now or in the future.
(1) Hari found him out:
“The Master replied: ‘Oh, I am in great pain. I cannot eat anything, and there is an unbearable burning in my throat.’
But Hari was not fooled. He saw that the Master was still confirming him in his devotion. For Hari knew that the Upanishads declare that the play of the Atman is all ‘as if’ — not actuality. The Atman never experiences any illness or suffering. A man of realization is always the same. And Hari’s Master was such a man.
The more Sri Ramakrishna complained, the clearer it was to Hari that his teacher was teasing him. Finally, Hari could control himself no longer and burst out: ‘Sir, whatever you may say, I see you as an infinite ocean of bliss.’
“At this, Sri Ramakrishna said to himself with a smile: ‘This rascal has found me out!'” (Swami Ritajananda, Swami Turiyananda. Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math, 1973, 23.)
(2) Steve: Well, if you were the human form that was overlit by a spirit as exalted as Sananda, and the Holy Spirit descended in you, that I would call an “avatar.” Would you disagree?
Jesus: [Laughs] I do not disagree. I simply say to you that it is a designation that I am not eager to claim.
S: Okay.
J: Yes, I will accept it. You know there was so much controversy, when I did walk the Earth, not only about my family’s position but about the politics of the “King of the Jews” and wanting leadership and political intrigue. So I am always very hesitant to give myself or to accept designations.
S: I accept that.
J: And I will tell you why. Because you, or your listeners, will then say, “Oh, well, he had this overlighting, he had this infilling, and that makes him different or separate,” and it does not. If anything, it allows me to be closer to you.
S: All right, I accept that, Lord.
J: All right. So I have made my point, then!
S: Yes, Lord. (“Transcript of An Hour with an Angel, with Jesus, Jan. 9, 2012,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/01/transcript-of-an-hour-with-an-angel-with-jesus-jan-9-2012)