I have a later article scheduled discussing this matter, but readers’ email suggests I should mention it briefly here.
Our language around Ascension can be confusing. We can say “we’re going to the Fifth,” and some people may think that what is being said is we’re going to pack our bags, take a journey, and end up in the Fifth.
All metaphors have only a limited application. They fit in some ways and they don’t in others.
We’re not going anywhere in one sense and we are in another.
No, we’re not packing and going on a trip. We won’t travel per se. But, yes, our frequency will entitle us to reside in the Fifth, vibrationally speaking.
One dimension will fade from view and another will come into view.
I think we’d all agree that the fact that there are dimensions points to differences between them. A person can “go” to one dimension and not another.
A resident of the Third Dimension cannot visit the Sixth without precautions and special measures being taken. He or she could not live in the Sixth.
But a resident of the Sixth could come to the Third, perhaps not in full glory, but in some way.
In our case, we’ll be in the Fifth, most of us, but we’ll be able to return to the Third, with certain necessary limitations.
We raise our vibrations and “ascend” to the Fifth. In a snap or ignition moment, as I understand things, our lightbodies are activated. We’ve changed from carbon base to crystaline. We now have the equipment needed to live or reside in the Fifth. Those who did not make the transition to crystaline will continue living in the Third with carbon-based bodies.
There comes a point on the ladder of consciousness where our enlightenment will be so sublime that we won’t want to return. We lightworkers need to stop before that point if we intend to continue serving.
Archangel Michael once called that point “nirvana.” There have been so many definitions of nirvana that I’m not sure when it occurs. Suffice it to say that a time comes when we no longer want to return to the Third, even to serve. And by the Law of Freewill we are then most likely relieved of duty.
Here is that discussion with AAM:
Archangel Michael: When you use the term “dramatic enlightenment experiences,” you are talking about Nirvana. You are talking about the unity of all with One. It is not to say that you will not experience that, but you cannot ― well, you can if you wish; if it is the choice to simply remain in that state of unity, of One ― but you cannot be fully conscious and in service, in action, if that is where you are. …
Now, while your being is expanding [at Ascension], while you are having a greater sense of unity, of connectedness, of the understanding and being of the cosmos, you will also feel your human self, your physical and your fields, so that you can continue on in service, in what we would call human service. (1)
So entry into the first subplane of the Fifth Dimension will not cause us to be unable to serve, but there are higher experiences which would. Most lightworkers however have it in their soul contracts not to go so far until we’ve concluded our missions. After that, as I’m led to believe, people may stay on Earth or return to their natural surroundings in much higher dimensions.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 14, 2012.