Inspired by Susan’s article, I too would like to communicate on the opportunity that 9/11 is, not only for awakening to the truth of America’s situation but also for awakening to the fact that America must and can take back its own country.
The truth of America’s situation is that it’s been hijacked by a demonic clan of people who intended to kill most of the population through pandemics, weather warfare, economic warfare, nuclear warfare and other means. It bled the population financially dry, restricted human rights, and assassinated world leaders, social activists, inventors, blacks, hispanics and other people.
How America must and can take back their country is not by making war against these clans or cabal, but by Americans extending their love in all directions, connecting up and withdrawing their support from anything connected to this cabal’s plans and building the structures of a new world together, a new center of world trade, a new society, unrelated to the old.
This act of taking back your country (because I am a proud Canadian, not an American) is primarily an inner act. It’s an act of the heart. It doesn’t involve arms, ridicule or any of the other means of the cabal. It proceeds by totally different rules.
It proceeds by honoring the freewill choices of others. It has no desire to use force against anyone and yet it knows that in certain situations it may judiciously have to resort to them. It leaves behind no residue, no victims and no suffering.
It honors all citizens and does away with all barriers and obstacles, whether seen or unseen, that stand in the way of its people expressing their full potential.
It proceeds on waves of love, generated from the heart of individuals committed to rebuilding America. The bonds of love are magnified each time two people connect.
No other emotion, no other state of being is as powerful as love. The world that love creates is gentle, compassionate, and kind.
This is the new way to proceed.
When we proceed in this way, we leave behind Wall Street, the IRS, the armed services, the CIA, brutal, corrupt police, and deadly “black ops.” We leave behind force, conformity, lies and all the other residue of this dehumanizing order we’re emerging from. We intend to ascend from this, to walk away from it, to rise above it. We’re committed to love.
In my view, this is the way to honor Gaia and her people by rebuilding America and there’s no more significant day than 9/11 to acknowledge this work and begin it.