Download Audio and Invocation Here
Audio support for our upcoming sugar and processed food transmission is now available for download.
Please remember to use the invocation prior to each transmission to bring in the divine intervening assistance.
Stay tuned for our final audio for the upcoming drug and alcohol transmission.
Please consider inviting your networks to join in this compassionate effort to bring positive shift to the reflection of addiction in the mass consciousness.
Thank you everyone. Have an amazing transmission!
With love,
Children of the Sun Foundation
Morphogenesis Spiritual Activism
Full Moon Planetary Grid Transmissions
Lighting up Addiction in the Mass Consciousness
Sugar & Processed Food Transmission – Full Moon, August 29th
8pm across all time zones
Share This Link with Your Networks!
Free Transmission Registration
Our “Freedom from Addiction” campaign continues on the August 29th Full Moon as we prepare to bring transforming love and illumination to the reflection of sugar and food addiction.
Science is now demonstrating that people can be biologically addicted to sugar in the same way we can be addicted to heroin, cocaine or nicotine. Sugar stimulates the brain’s reward centers through the neurotransmitter dopamine exactly like these other addictive drugs. Processed foods act in a very similar way, bringing moments of fleeting pleasure along with an increasing sense of emptiness that cannot be filled by externals.
As a result of consuming refined foods laden with sugar and chemical additives, a tolerance is built up that eventually leads to over consumption as it takes more and more to achieve the same feelings of pleasure. This can lead to severe problems such as obesity, social insecurities, depression, diabetes, withdrawal symptoms and much more. With over 1.9 billion adults currently experiencing obesity, this is a very serious issue.
At the core of most food addictions is unresolved trauma, stress, guilt and self-loathing. These emotional triggers work side-by-side with the physical body consequences to block the new vibrational resonance that accompanies the advancing phases of morphogenesis.
To help bring positive shift to this appearance of limitation, we need your loving presence.
Please join us for another powerful transmission!
Our spiritual activism coordinates with the personal program of
Morphogenesis, a consciousness accelerating program.
If you have not signed up, you can do it here.
Go to Morphogenesis Enrollment
The Addiction Transmissions
Transmission Strategy Overview
In our transmission, we will call for Divine Intervention while empowering the collective body of those seeking freedom from sugar and food addiction with a great boost of universal light.
Our highly specialized audio will address the core issues and resulting effects associated with this particular addiction.
Primary Objectives
1. We will program the Unity Consciousness Grid
Our highest priority is to program the planetary Crystalline Grid with our personal codes of an addiction free blueprint. This Grid seeding may help to provide the necessary energetic foundations to lift humanity out of the prison cell of addiction.
2. We will invoke Divine Intervention
We will call forth the divine intervening support from the subtle realms to come in and do what needs to be done to shift the reflection of addiction. This ensures that all is accomplished in direct accordance with the evolutionary plan for the highest benefit of all.
3. We will empower our country of residence
We will consciously fuse with an energetic surrogate representing all of the human souls in our country of residence and those who desire permanent freedom from addiction. Our Group Avatar will deliver a deep penetration of the universal light, purposed to inspire sovereign self-empowerment while helping new life-affirming perceptions to take hold.
Important Transmission Details
Freedom From Addiction
Free Transmission Registration
Transmission Line Up
Please mark your calendars with these dates.
August 29th ~ Full Moon
Processed Foods Transmission
September 28th ~ Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
Drug Transmission (Pharmaceuticals & Narcotics)
Please share with your networks to help build a mighty transmission team.
Make a Donation to Keep This Work Going
© Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. You have permission to share our free public information through any medium as long as it is offered at no cost, it is not altered, and the proper credit is given to the Foundation.