Karen Wilson, President of the Hope Chest, recently had a reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, and asked him some questions about the Reval.
AAM made a comment that he wanted posted. He said that one element slowing the exchanges down is that people who are participating in the Reval are now staring their future in the face and falling into old-paradigm ways such as feeling not good enough. This way of being is like walking through molasses if you’re attempting to create or manifest.
AAM asked us to ask you to let those old beliefs go and start planning how you wish to use the disposable part of your earnings to benefit the world. Here’s his comment:
AAM: What is happening is that, even in the people involved, there is still a human hesitancy about taking the quantum leap.
What they are doing is they are thinking about bringing forth this creation, which is a co-creation in every sense of the word; then they are trying to translate it into the old paradigms, into their old framework of deservingness and lack, rather than jumping forward and creating the new.
Now, seldom would I ever suggest this to the masses but I do suggest this to you and to those that you entrust with this.
Those hesitant beings that are afraid to leap the Grand Canyon, give them a little nudge. Not pushing them off the cliff but perhaps a hand on the shoulder, a hand on the back and a little nudge. That is how close you are. (1)
We’re not used to thinking that our beliefs and our moods can impact things. You’ve heard me complete enough vasanas to see that how I feel and what I think definitely impacts me. So the request now is to let go of worries and concerns about whether we’re good enough to be a steward of the Mother’s wealth. We’re not only good enough. We volunteered or were chosen for this task.
Your receipt of abundance is a step in the process of the world receiving abundance. Just as the private groups are a test run for the public exchange, so (I believe) is the public exchange a test run for what used to be called NESARA, (2) but what can be thought of as global abundance.
And what you do with the money is also being watched. Do lightworkers receive their abundance and go off on a world cruise? Do they help their friends and families and then bury the rest in blue-chip investments? Are we mature enough and ready to create a new society using the money being channeled to us? The Company of Heaven are watching us and want to know.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Karen Wilson through Linda Dillon, Aug. 15, 2015. Thanks to Dana for our transcript. Used with permission of the Council of Love, Inc., 2015.
(2) NESARA stands for the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, an act of the American Congress that sets out the provisions for the flow of abundance. NESARA was due to be proclaimed at 10:00 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001, from the World Trade Center in New York. But at 9:00 a.m., the cabal-controlled American government took the World Trade Center out. See “NESARA” at https://goldengaiadb.com/NESARA.