God said:
Now it’s time for you to let go of the concept of debt. I am speaking of a personal sense of emotional indebtedness that may hammer itself within you, unrecognized from eons ago. I speak of the personal sense of what you may feel as a burden, such as: “Excuse me for having been born. Excuse me for taking up the space I take up on Earth which seems to be for naught.”
This may be a general sense of feeling that you do not rightfully belong on Earth, a sense that you are an interloper on Earth, as if you are in the way, a sense of not quite accepting that you have every right to be here occupying the space you do occupy, as if you are not worthy, as if you don’t have a God-given purpose to fulfill, or that only a few do.
Now it is time to let go of the idea that you are less than a full-fledged member of Earth, not only that you have every right to be here, but that you are especially chosen to be here. If you are here, you have every right to be here. More than every right, you are supposed to be here on Earth, and you are here on purpose with great purpose to fulfill. I say this again: You are here with a great purpose to fulfill.
Only you are bewildered as to what your purpose can possibly be. As it is, you cause yourself and others recurring heartbreak, sometimes incessant heartbreak, mainly because you feel purposeless. You feel like an obstacle in the way, a burden certainly on yourself and others.
Let go of everything except the idea that you are purposefully here as you are in the exact place you are. What do you think it means that there are no accidents? You are exactly where you are as part of the Design of Life on Earth. This does not mean that you are to stay exactly as you are or as you seem to be. This means you are to keep moving forward.
Be where you are with alacrity. Serve your purpose even when you don’t know what it is.
You are on a journey to somewhere. Right this moment you take steps along in this journey. I will call your journey a Holy Journey.
Instead of considering yourself as a wanderer, consider yourself as a minstrel who has a song to sing. You are seeking the song that is yours to sing. You devour the songs of life in order to find your song, to pick up where you left off, even as you do not know where you left off. Regardless, it is for you to pick up the baton now and create a life before you while you continue to search for it.
No matter how you may clomp along on Earth, you have a serene purpose. You are the only one who can come across your purpose. You will come across it.
You may be performing a specific deed this very moment. If this is the case, the deed is yours to discover or realize and then find more meaning and more yet. Beloveds, there are clues all around you.
Somehow, somewhere, you foster something in the world that the world has been waiting for. You are the only one who can give this blessing. Surely you are answering the clarion call even as you pursue it.
You are in a stage of finding out you-do-not-yet-know-what. You can know that there is something for you to find and that it is yours to find. You have a rightful place in the Universe where, hark, the herald angels sing. Pick up the song and sing it, and you will brighten life on Earth the same way the dawn brightens the Earth.
“Heavenletter #5367 You Are the Chosen One,” received by Gloria Wendroff, August 4, 2015, at https://heavenletters.org/the-running-brook-of-enlightenment.html
Source Link: Heavenletters 5367 You are The chosen One