Some of us remember that not so long ago there was no internet to offer such a stunning array of every kind of information with every kind of slant to it imaginable.
I think it would be humanly impossible to take it all in; and yet, this is what some of us feel we may need to do in order to make our way in a world that seems to get ever more complex and incomprehensible.
For the last few years, the amount of information available has grown tremendously. Just look at the release of all the whistle-blower documents as only one demonstration of what I’m talking about. The sheer volume of this data is mind-boggling.
Be that as it may, I’m finding it to be a necessity to fine-tune my focus in order to bring myself back from this information overload abyss. If the shares in the Gaia Scene community forum are any indication of how the rest of the community are feeling about this, and I think they are, then I’m not the only one feeling this.
Many folks are identifying this change in focus with the disinterest in those sources that used to hold our attention so much, and others are simply reporting that they felt the need to stop listening so much to what’s going on outside of themselves in order to tune into the inside Source of information instead.
We may be moving into a finer distinction of what information is most important to us, and needing to choose more consciously what is necessary to connect with truth on a personal level.
We’re all so diverse, so there’s no way to say that what’s true for one, or even true for many, is true for all. But there’s a decided difference in what we used to find fascinating and as feeding our longing for knowing from even a couple of years ago, and what’s filling our needs for knowing what we need to know now.
The sources we favor on this blog, the Celestials, the Galactics, and the Ascended Masters; and the messages from peers sharing their journeys and the work they do, have also been hinting and saying outright for some time now that our focus is important, as are our intentions in each moment.
My question to myself has been about what my intentions are. I have to answer this as having the intention to hold the space for the greater good to appear and to watch carefully for any opportunity to be a part of that process. With this intention set and in mind, where I put my focus each moment takes on a whole new meaning.
I find myself becoming very sensitive to what I focus on these days. I find I can’t even make myself focus on the news, for instance.
I can say that I have friends who feel their focus on the news is a part of their task and mission; and in doing so they bring their energies and their co-creational magic to the transformative and transmuting work on what they see there. I know this isn’t so for me. I know because I can clearly feel this is not my job.
What presents itself to me now is what I feel are very new and different energies than were available even some months ago.
What I feel and observe is that there’s no pushing that works. I’m a very busy person who knows how to push a project through to completion, if this is what I feel is necessary. This sort of focus doesn’t work anymore, at least not in the world I work in.
My work is based on setting up anything I’m doing in alignment with the Divine Principles, asking that the core reasons for doing or building anything is done with integrity and in love.
It’s been an interesting challenge to work under such strict conditions, and yet it’s become clear that working in the space of ‘the greater good for all concerned’ is a prospect that asks for the very foundations of each step to be firm and be true to Divine Principles to provide the stability needed for the next step to be taken.
Oftentimes this also asks me to step aside and allow the Universe Itself to move the impossible or untenable. It’s amazing how often this stepping aside is necessary and how often I’m frustrated in the moment by what looks to me to be a stop in the movement forward of whatever project is in motion.
I share my thoughts on this to demonstrate how I’m experiencing fundamental changes in my life at this time. I feel that many others may relate to this as well, but only you will know how it is for you.