Exopolitics & Ethics: The Deep Layers of the Onion Seem Endless!
Read Govts’ SSP Part Two here.
Welcome back to our running feature regarding the Secret Space Programs (SSP). This week we share specific questions elaborating upon SSP conflicts and human slave trade during an interview between Dr Michael Salla and “Corey Goode,” our whistleblower that took place on May 29-30. This first question unravels why there have been recent hostilities within the SSP.
Just like the infighting that’s occurring within our governments on Earth and within the cabal factions themselves, we seem to have infighting occurring between the Secret Earth Governments (the cabal and Earthbound secret societies) and their controllers (Draco Federation Royals and Ancient Earth/Human Breakaway Civilizations, who live on Mars and the Moon, for example).
Corey continued explaining that “this is the meeting where a 14 foot White Reptilian Royal was present and made an offer to the Sphere Being Alliance for safe passage of their ‘Royals’ to be able to exit the ‘Outer Barrier.’ The Human ‘Committee of 200’ was present for this meeting and witnessed the exchange. They (the Commitee) were visibly shocked when this occurred and it was soon after this that not only the major disinformation war (to control the [Disclosure] narrative) began but also the chaotic infighting between the ‘Elite Groups.'”
Witnessing the Royal Reptilians “selling them out” and asking for clearance to leave the solar system, there resulted much dissension within the cabal ranks, as the previously cabal-loyal workers saw that they might be handed over to the Sphere Being Alliance as collateral damage to pay for the Reptilian crimes.
Instead, permission was denied, as the Light is holding ALL accountable for their crimes against both humanity and against living compassionately toward ALL life forms throughout the Universe.
Question 2: “Why does the Sphere Alliance believe that a military solution to the problems between the SSP Alliance and the Cabal/ICC/Draco assets is not a wise policy option at this time, and are promoting full disclosure to resolve outstanding problems?”
The Sphere Being Alliance (SBA) has explained they advocate for a peaceful resolution because ultimately the answers lie within humanity as a collective. They elaborated: “The population is waking up at a considerable rate, but they still have quite a lot of mind control and disinformation to contend with.”
As such, revelation after revelation will continue, enlightening the general populace to the extent of deception we’ve undergone to keep our controllers in the driver’s seat. The SBA has asserted that there will come a breaking point in the very near future — a time when we will declare “no more” and end their rule over us.
With the help of our off-world friends, the SBA, we will finally be able to stand on our own for the first time in history, without interference from the Annunaki, Draco, nor their earthly minions.
As I’ve mentioned before, the SBA is not here to “save” us. Rather to guide and assist, while we put on our big-boy and big-girl pants… learning how to instantly manifest, to respect one another, and to take care of ourselves and Lady Gaia as Her stewards and as the stewards of this galactic sector of physicality.
Another question centered around the unfolding disclosure process. Shall it include Wikileaks or more NSA files, world leaders stepping forward, sightings of space craft, or more whistleblowers?
Corey replied by reminding us that there’s a huge and elaborate dis-information war going on, where the cabal is intentionally feeding the general public inaccurate info both through mainstream and alternative media, which maintain their attempts to incite fear, anger and of course to lead us down the wrong path.
Further, the Secret Earth Government has realized that it is every group for themselves, after witnessing the Reptilian Royal offering them as a bartering tool. This also resulted in them activating their infiltrators which they planted inside the good forces of the SBA.
“They have gone from a position of preventing disclosure while conditioning the public for some sort of future false disclosure to now trying to control the disclosure narrative. Things are beginning to leak out at such an alarming rate for them that they are putting some of their best counter intelligence people out to discredit whistle blowers anyway they can, while they confuse as many people as possible with a false narrative that makes them appear as victims or even heroes in some cases.”
All in all, this specific story addressed a total of nine questions posed by Dr Salla to whistleblower Corey. I mentioned only 3 above, so please visit this story at the link below, if you want to learn about the other remaining questions.
Please tune in next week for both News Roundups and Special Editions, such as this one… “Same Bat time, same Bat channel!”
Across our beautiful world, We Are All One.