I’m going to take a second cut at a subject I broached a few days ago – the perils of gifting for the newly-wealthy (1) – because I think it’s important.
I think seven out of ten people who benefit from the Reval will fall into this trap. It usually happens at the outset and loses us a lot of friends.
Back in the late 1970s, I was participating in what was called the Breakthrough Foundation and we often discussed and studied gifting because people would give to the Breakthrough Foundation. The act of gifting – and the blocks to it – was a topic of inquiry.
What we found was that, when someone is newly-wealthy, when they go to gift people from their wealth the first time, they enter a war zone between the mind and the heart.
The heart says it wants to gift and cites a figure and the mind goes crazy. The mind is afraid, gets angry if the heart starts gifting without its agreement, and puts up a fight.
The mind can think of a hundred reasons why the impulse of the heart should not be acted on. Finally the two settle on a measley figure and no one is happy.
The individual can go nuts from the dissociation and cognitive dissonance that takes place, especially if they’re not aware of their feelings, good at expressing them, or know what may be going on in the first place.
The situation can be made worse if the individual reports on what’s happening to those he (or she) wants to gift. The gifter says he is having second thoughts. Can he afford it? What happens if….
The gifter says he wants to gift; then he says he doesn’t. He says he wants to gift large and then he reduces the figure. He says he’s not sure if he did the right thing. He may have to think about it a little more. Can we wait?
The ostensible recipients go up and down like a rollercoaster until they don’t want to have anything more to do with the person. They hurt so bad from repeated raised and dashed hopes that they dump the person from their affections by judging him as unstable, insensitive, and unreliable. So the gifter ends up with fewer friends, in worse shape than ever.
This is a known phenomenon and the reason I mention it is that I predict it’ll happen to many people. Especially among those who only have a small amount of currency and become the “lacking” rich.
But as lightworkers, we’re here to prime the pump, to begin the process of gifting. So it’s important for us to get the act of gifting right, I think.
In my view, the answer is to vote with the heart. Listen to what the heart says and don’t listen to the mind. Act on the heart’s urging. Listen for the heart’s vote. Decide the question immediately.
If it smells like fear, walk by it. If it incites you to anger or resentment, don’t listen to it. Choose the heart’s love and go with what the heart says.
If you give too much – honestly, truly – then true up the next time. Honor your promises without quibbling and learn from your mistakes. I think this practice builds a strong word and we’re so much going to need a strong word to accomplish what we’re setting out to accomplish. The task is not small and it may tax us.
As I see it, the mind is coming from lack and scarcity, inevitability and no solutions. The mind can only see shortfalls and disasters. It can only see death and destruction and how to avoid them.
It’s not big enough to encompass what it’s doing, what’s happening, or what’s possible. Only the heart can do that.
Only love can embrace the whole scene, see the whole picture. Only love can lift us up to where we feel truly able to express what our heart says and feel good about it.
It’s a tug of war, and it’s the cause of the more general tug of war between the mind and the heart that’s playing itself out in our external world today.
Let the heart win and I think you’ll be Ok. Listen to the mind and I’m willing to bet the farm that your life, with or without that newfound wealth, will be miserable.
I’m saying these things now because, after the Reval, the quality of our hearing will probably diminish signifciantly. (2)
(1) “Financial Wayshowers: Have Your Money Make a Difference,” June 2, 2015, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=258955.
(2) See tomorrow’s article, “Archangel Michael: You are Not Crazy,” June 6, 2015, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=259122.