Corporate Practices & Ethics: 400+ Cities Around the World Protesting Monsanto.
Why is it that a world leader in pesticides and poisons has any contact at all with the world’s food supply? Isn’t that a direct and overt conflict of interest?
Fortunately, thousands of people across our beautiful world are getting wise to the harmful effects of genetically modified (GM) foods, and came out by the droves protesting last Saturday at the 3rd annual March Against Monsanto (MAM) global protest.
The list of cities, countries, and continents are most impressive. Here are just a few: Sydney, Australia; Pabna, Bangledash; Cape Town, South Africa; Paris, France; Berlin, Germany; London, UK; Buenos Aires, Argentina; British Columbia, Canada; and all the major cities in America! All in all, 48 countries had scheduled a total of 452 rallies for this enormous worldwide turnout.
Activists accuse the biochemical and agricultural juggernaut of “selling toxic chemicals, which are bad for people’s health, water supplies, vital crop pollinators and environment in general. The giant is also criticized for its attitude towards food safety regulations and a staunch opposition to GMO labeling. Meanwhile, small farmers blame Monsanto for monopolizing the seed market.”
Protestors across the world are most direct with no holds barred, carrying signs which say such phrases as the following:
“GMO is Killing Our Children Slowly”;
“Sick of Lies”;
“Monsanto Creates Tumors”;
“A Chemical Company is Controlling Our Food Supply”;
“Evil Seed of Corporate Greed”;
“[Monsanto is the Creator of] Agent Orange”;
“Patents on Life Forms Are Unethical”;
“If You Walk for a Cure [for Cancer], Then March Against the Cause.”
Like I mentioned, these protestors are not fooling around! Honestly, I’m grateful so many around the planet are standing up to such corporate conduct. Of course, there are many people who believe that such rallies are all propaganda, and that GM foods are okay to eat.
Advocating for a “free” society, which allows all of us the option to lead our lives as we see fit (so long as we are not hurting others or ourselves), then we all have a right to believe what we want, right? If you want to eat GM foods, then you have that right. But the flipside is Monsanto should honor our request and label said foods, so we can make an educated decision.
Further, if GM foods are healthy, then why not simply list the synthetic additives? If they are okay to eat, then tell us what they are, show us the experiments, and publish the data so we can decide for ourselves. Why spent millions lobbying against GMO labeling …when Monsanto could be using that money in making products that help our planet?
World Stands Up Against Monsanto: Over 400 Cities Protest GMOs by RT.
Health & Ethics: Tylenol Proven to Dull Our Emotions, as Well as Our Headaches.
Similar to Monsanto, it seems Tylenol has chemicals in their products that have adverse side effects –as does all psychopharmacological drugs. It’s being revealed that Tylenol is not only killing our headaches, but killing our emotions …and killing people too!
“For instance, A 2013 review of 754 clinical trials published in Lancet found that NSAID use was associated with roughly double the heart failure risk. Ibuprofen, in particular, has been estimated to cause thousands to die of cardiovascular events each year, and according to the lead researcher of the Lancet review, equally as dangerous for long-term users as the drug Vioxx which was estimated to cause 30,000 excess heart attacks and sudden cardiac deaths between 1999-2003 alone.” (1)
Sadly, this reminds of a Special Edition I wrote recently highlighting how McNeil Consumer Healthcare (a Johnson & Johnson subsidiary) paid $25 million for selling and recalling liquid Tylenol with metals particles inside (click here). Admittedly, it can get a bit scary, when food companies (like Monsanto) and medicine companies (like Johnson & Johnson) continue to produce products that get people sick, and sometimes worse.
A part of me is kicking myself for not seeing this earlier: If Tylenol dulls our physical body (diminishes headaches), then it’s probably dulling our emotional, mental, and energetic bodies, too!
In a double blind study, participants took either 1,000 mg of acetaminophen (Tylenol) or a placebo. After waiting one hour for the medicine to take effect, subjects were asked to describe the intensity of their emotions upon viewing both positive and negative random events from photos.
“Across two studies, we demonstrated that acetaminophen attenuates individuals’ evaluations and emotional reactions to negative and positive stimuli alike. These results build on recent psychological research illustrating that acetaminophen can blunt the intensity with which individuals experience negative events that originate from physical, social, or cognitive sources (DeWall et al.,2015; DeWall et al., 2010; Randles et al., 2013).” (2)
In other words, as people continue to consume acetaminophen, then they are prone to an abnormal sense of less emotions, or no emotions, when witnessing joyous occasions such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, and other celebrations. And that, to me, is quite sad.
All the more reason, it’s essential for us …as the human collective… to began (or continue) to take matters into our own hands, regarding all areas, especially physical health, emotional well-being, and personal finances.
I’m grateful our world is on the brink of change, and I believe the sooner we can command our own lives on all levels, the sooner we’ll find joy and fulfillment!
1. Tylenol Kills Emotions As Well As Pain, Study Reveals by Samantha Hemmingway. Health Freedoms.
Across this beautiful world, We Are All One.