Happy Sunday, dear friends. I am sitting in the middle of a vast ocean of change, and doing my best to stay afloat.
My boat is a pile of stuff that my two daughters brought home from college. It isn’t a solid boat, but it is certainly big enough at the moment!
I know that they need some down time to recover from the rigors of the college semester. For my oldest it is a time of evaluating her future after earning her degree. Both of them are also worn down and in the middle of feeling sick, and so they want their mommy.
I also have the daily requirements of running a home, tending a garden, taking care of pets and doing my work. There are many different streams of energy pushing into the confluence of the now moment in my space of love.
I cannot do anything to hold these changes back, nor would I want to. They are the shifts that occur in every life, and trying to keep things the same, and not evolving through the changes simply leads to pain and suffering.
The truth is, everyone can find their happy place in change if they are willing to go with the flow. Being gentle with ourselves and with others is important, but it is also important to set aside our expectations of how things will unfold.
I intend daily for the highest good for all concerned, and I know the universe can, and does, bend over backwards to support us all.
The only thing I truly have control over is my own behavior in the mix. I can choose to swim against the swirling currents and tire myself out. I can choose to remain fixed and have the waves of change batter me. I can also choose to simply lay on my back, looking up at the beautiful sky and float with the current and see where it leads us.
The back float is a beautiful thing!
A wealthy couple buys a rescue ship to save migrants in the Mediterranean.
Chris and Regina Catrambone are a wealthy couple who were moved tremendously by the plight of North African refugees who risked their lives to escape from their dangerous living conditions by taking to the sea.
The couple purchased a search and rescue ship named the Phoenix and founded the Migrant Offshore Aid Station. In total, they have saved over 4,400 refugees from the Mediterranean, and work with officials to make sure they obey all the rules so they can give those they rescue the best chance at freedom.
I am heartened that a young, affluent couple would be moved to act on the behalf of other individuals who are suffering. They saw a major problem, that threatened to overrun local support services, and the put their money behind finding an humanitarian solution to the problem.
A man builds a tiny house for a homeless mother sleeping in the dirt.
Elvis Summers noticed an old woman sleeping in the dirt in his California neighborhood, and he decided that he could not abide by this situation.
So Elvis decided to build this woman, named Irene McGee, her own portable tiny house, so she would not have to sleep out in the elements. He wanted her to be safe and feel supported, and so using his own hands and about $500 in supplies he created a tiny home for her to sleep in, with a locking door and wheels. The local jurisdiction requires vehicles to be moved in area parking lots every 72 hours, and so he wanted to make sure that Irene’s new home could be easily transported and adhere to the laws.
Using our talents and skills to help others and see solutions where others only see problems is such a blessing. Folks, this video made me cry at the love this guy showed to a stranger, but also because his actions showed her that she was valuable and deserved to be shown care and respect.
Man Builds Tiny House for Homeless Mother Sleeping in Dirt on Tiny House Talk
A Pennsylvania doctor treats the homeless.
Dr. Jim Withers has spent the last 23 years wandering the dark Pittsburgh, PA streets looking for homeless people. He is a devoted advocate for homeless people and seeks to treat others as he would want to be treated.
Dr. Jim is part of a city-wide initiative called Operation Safety Net, that brings healthcare to homeless people and lays the foundation for trusting relationships with these individuals.
He is able to then get them to come to the mobile health care unit and finally the clinic where folks are supported to find housing, food and other services.
CNN Heroes has honored Dr. Withers, and I do too! Each person has the divine within them, and their earthly situation should not ever block the love, support and kindness they deserve.
Meet the doctor who treats the homeless by Christine O’Reilly for CNN
South Africa’s richest black man donates half his wealth to empower the poor in his homeland.
Patrice Motsepe was born in Soweto Township in South Africa. He obtained his law degree and through the South African government’s black economic empowerment initiative he was able to found African Rainbow Minerals.
He was inspired by the African concept of Ubuntu, or ‘I am because you are’, and The Giving Pledge, which asks world billionaires to give back of their personal wealth, to donate half of all he owns to support the marginalized in his nation.
The funds will be managed by the Motsepe Foundation to address education and health issues.
In a world where the philanthropy of past generations has been replaced by wealthy hoarding and greed, this man’s generous donation is certainly a move in the right direction!
And finally…
Revisiting Pay it Forward.
A number of years ago I watched the movie Pay it Forward. I was already on the path spiritually, but I didn’t yet fully understand how powerful my singular actions could be to change the world.
Recently I came across this short remix of the concepts described in the movie, and it really sparked me from the vantage point I am perched on now. We create a world that works for everyone, through our own acts of kindness.
Pay it Forward. What would you do to change the world? On YouTube
This young person applies the concepts described in the pay it forward movie to create a day filled with random acts of kindness. The idea that a young being is attracted to the concept and actually spent a day doing this gives me hope!
Random Acts of Kindness on YouTube
That’s the good news for today. Have a glorious day. Please join Gavin Harrill for the Golden Gaia News Roundup on Monday.
Be Well. Be Joy. Be Love!